ESEM 2009

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ESEM 2009
2009 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
Dates Oct 15, 2009 (iCal) - Oct 16, 2009
Location: Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: Mar 1, 2009
Notification: Apr 30, 2009
Camera ready due: Jun 30, 2009
Table of Contents

The objective of the IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) is to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners can report and discuss recent research results in the areas of empirical software engineering and software measurement. The symposium encourages the exchange of ideas that help communicate the strengths and weaknesses of software engineering's technologies and methods from an empirical viewpoint. It focuses on the processes, design and structure of empirical studies, and the results of specific studies. These studies may vary from controlled experiments to field studies and from quantitative to qualitative studies. The symposium also provides a forum for exploring the use of data and measurement to understand, evaluate, and model software engineering phenomena.

The relevant topicsa include, but are not restricted to, the following:

    * Empirical studies of software processes and products
    * Evaluation and comparison of techniques and models
    * Reports on the benefits derived from using certain technologies
    * Empirically-based decision making
    * Development of predictive models
    * Measurement theory and fundamental issues
    * Qualitative methods
    * Families of experiments
    * Replication of empirical studies
    * Industrial experience in process improvement
    * Quality measurement and assurance
    * Experience management
    * Systematic reviews
    * Evidence-based software engineering
    * Infrastructures and novel techniques for conducting empirical/experimental studies
    * Mining data from software repositories
    * Measurement education and empirical studies with students
    * Effort and cost estimation, defect rate and reliability prediction 

full papers submission
Papers describing unpublished, original work are solicited on any software engineering topic, as long as there is a strong empirical/experimental component to the work being presented. Such contribution can take the form of a case/field study, controlled experiment, survey, meta-analysis of previous studies, enhancement of empirical/experimental methods or critical review of previous empirical work (e.g. from a methodological standpoint).

All papers must be submitted through the web-based submission system in PDF format. The link will be published at the symposium's home page (see link above). Papers are limited to 10 pages, must be written in English, and be formatted according to the ACM authoring guidelines. Papers which exceed 10 pages, are outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.

Authors of selected high-quality papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for a special issue or section of the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.
short papers and posters submission
All short papers and poster proposals must be submitted through the web-based submission system. The link will be published at the conference's home page (see link above). Short papers must not exceed 3 pages, and poster proposals must not exceed 1 page. Both short papers and poster proposals must be formatted according to the ACM authoring guidelines.

Important Dates

Full Papers Deadline
March 1, 2009

Full Papers Acceptance
April 30, 2009

Short Papers Deadline
May 15, 2009

Posters Deadline
May 15, 2009

Short Papers and Posters Acceptance
June 1, 2009

Full and Short Papers Camera-ready
June 30, 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ESEM 2009"
AcronymESEM 2009 +
Camera ready dueJune 30, 2009 +
End dateOctober 16, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates28° 22' 49", -81° 31' 47"Latitude: 28.38035
Longitude: -81.529758333333
Has location cityLake Buena Vista +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateFL +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationApril 30, 2009 +
Start dateOctober 15, 2009 +
Submission deadlineMarch 1, 2009 +
Title2009 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement +