ITIOT 2024

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ITIOT 2024
8th International Conference on Information Technology and Internet of Things
Ordinal 8th
"th" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 8.
Dates 2024/10/13 (iCal) - 2024/10/15
Submitting link:
Location: London, London, United Kingdom
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Important dates
Submissions: 2024/06/20
Registration link:
PC chairs: José-Fernán Martínez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dimitrios A. Karras, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mingqian Liu, Xidian University
Keynote speaker: Prof. Pascal Lorenz University of Haute-Alsace, Prof: José-Fernán Martínez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Table of Contents

☛ PUBLICATION ✿ Conference Proceedings Submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed by the conference scientific committees. Accepted and presented papers will be included into ITIOT2024 Conference Proceedings, published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS), and sent to IEEE Xplore for inclusion, which will be submitted to Ei Compendex and Scopus for indexing.

✿ Journal A shortlist of extended papers from ITIOT2024 will be recommended to IJFCC editorial board for further review, and accepted papers will be published into in the International Journal of Future Computer and Communication in regular issues, which will be indexed by Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, INSPEC (IET), Google Scholar, EBSCO, etc.

☛ KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Prof. Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute-Alsace, France Prof: José-Fernán Martínez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Prof. Huiyu Zhou, University of Leicester, UK Dr. Branislav Vuksanovic, Military Technological College, Oman

☛ CONTACT Ms. Amy Zhao (Conference Secretary) E-mail: