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Artificial Intelligence Big data Big data analytics Big data computing Big data science Big data systems Big social data Bio-informatics Bio-inspired methods Bio-inspired systems Bio-medicine BioTechnology Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies Biocomputing Bioengineering Bioinformatics Biology Biomedical Biomedical Electronics and Devices Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies Biomedical Engineering and Sciences Biomedical engineering Biomedical informatics Biometrics Bionlp Biophysics Biotechnologies Biotechnology Black studies Blacksburg Blended learning Bloomington Boao Body area network Bolans Village Bolivia Bonn Boogie Book Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina Boston Brain informatics Brasil Brasov Brazil Bremen Bristol Britain Brno Brunei Brunei Darussalam Brussels Bucharest Budapest Buenos Aires Buildings Bulgaria Business Business Information Systems Business analytics Business and Management Business informatics Business intelligence Business management Business process management Bussines economics CA CANADA CLOUD/GRID Networks and Services CLOUD/GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks CLOUD COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORMS AND APPLICATIONS CO COP CSCW Cadiz Calendar Templates Calgary California Cambodia Cambridge Canada Cancer Cancun Cape Town Caribbean Carinthia Carson Case-based reasoning Case-based teaching Case based reasoning Catalysis Category Category:Data mining Celebrity Cell manipulation Cellular automata Central America Central Europe Central London Central asia Cephalonia Challenges in Smart Grids and IT-energy aware technologies Charlottetown Chemical Engineering Chemical Sciences Chemical engineering Cheminformatics Chemistry Chennai Chia Chicago Chicano Chile China China. Choreography and orchestration Christchurch Circuit Cities Civil-military Civil Engineering Civil engineering Classroom technology Cleveland Climate Change Climate change Cloud Cloud / hpc Cloud and parallel computing Cloud computing Cloud computing and Virtualization Cloud forensics Cloud security Cluttering Co Co-creation Codeing Coding Coding theory Cognitive architectures Cognitive science Cognitive sciences Cognitive systems Coimbatore Cold Spring Harbor Collaboration Collaborative processes Collaborative systems Collaborative systems security Collaborative work Colloid Chemistry Colombia Colorado Combinatorial optimization Combinatorics Communication Communication engineering Communication networks Communication systems Communication technology Communications Communications and Networking Communism Community detection Community project Company Comparative Literature Comparative law Comparative literature Comparative studies Competition Compilers Compiling techniques Complex networks Complex systems Computability theory Computation Computational Biology Computational Intelligence Computational Intelligence and Applications Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics Computational Learning Theory Computational Linguistics Computational Neuroscience Computational Sciences Computational architecture Computational biology Computational biology (bioinformatics) Computational complexity theory Computational geography Computational geometry Computational intelligence Computational linguistics Computational mathematics Computational science Computational statistics Computations Computer Computer-Aided Verification Computer-Human interactions Computer-based learning Computer-supported learning Computer Applications Computer Architecture Computer Communication Computer Communications Computer Engineering Computer Graphics Computer Hardware Computer Networking Computer Networks & Communications Computer Science Computer Science, Communications, Networking Computer Science, Information Technology Computer Science, Networks, Systems Computer Science & Systems Computer Security Computer Security and Privacy Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Computer Vision Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications Computer and Communication Technologies Computer and Communications Security Computer and control systems Computer and information sciences Computer and society Computer and society: Computer-based learning Computer architecture Computer communications Computer communications (networks) Computer cooking Computer dependability, Critical Infrastructure Security Computer engg Computer engineering Computer graphics Computer hardware Computer information sciences Computer networking Computer networks Computer networks, networks, communications, information technology, Computer science Computer science and enginerring Computer science and informati Computer science and technology Computer science conference Computer science education Computer sciences Computer security Computer security and reliability Computer sience Computer system Computer systems Computer vision Computer vision for aal Computers Computing Computing Technologies Computing and Communication Technologies Computing in Mathematics Computing in Mathematics, Natural sciences, Engineering and Medicine Computing method Computing service Con Conceptual Modeling Conceptual modeling Concurrency theory Concurrent programming languages Conference Conference series Conference templates Conferences Conferences Date: March 11-12, 2017 Congres Connectivity Constraint pramming Construction Contemporary Informatics Content Control Control System Control engineering Control systems Corporate Finance Corporate finance Costa Mesa Costume design Country Crime Criminology Crisis information management Critical Management Studies Critical animal studies Critical studies Croatia Croatia, Virtual Conference Cross platform Crowd assisted sensing Crowdsourcing Cryptographic Techniques Cryptography Cryptology Cscw Cuba Cubic boron nitride Cultural Cultural Studies Cultural studies Culture Curation Curaçao Current ongoing researches Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum development Cyber Cyber-phsical system Cyber-physical Cyber-physical system Cyber-physical systems Cyber Security Cyber physical systems Cyber risk management Cyber security Cyber security assessment Cyber security data analytics Cyber training technologies Cyber welfare Cybercrime Cybercrime investigation Cybernetics Cyberphysical systems security Cybersecurity Cybesafety Cyprus Cytometry Czech Pepublic Czech Repubic Czech Republic Czechia Czeck Republic D.C. 20024 DC DH DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING DOMAIN APPLICATIONS AND CASE STUDIES Da Lian Data Data Communications Data Engineering Data Mining Data Privacy Data Science Data Stream Data acquisition Data analytics Data and Information Quality Data and process provenance Data cubes Data engineering Data fusion Data management Data mining Data mining and knowledge disc Data networks Data privacy Data quality and uncertainty Data query Data science Data science applications Data security Data streams Data structures Data warehousing Database Database Systems Database indexing and tuning Database systems Databases Databases and other domains Databases content processing Databases technologies Datamining & webmining Dataset Dead Sea Dearborn Michigan USA Debug Decision Decision-making Decision making Decision system Decision technologies Deductive Deep Learning Deep learning Defense Demo session Demosession Denmark Denver Departments and the School Dependability Dependable Systems Deploying the Future Infrastructures Description logics Design Design and Deployment of Context-awareness Networks Design architectures Design automation Development Devices Diabetes Diagnosis Digital Forensics Digital Libraries Digital Library Digital Management Digital Signal Processing Digital Technologies Digital culture Digital forensic Digital forensics Digital humanities Digital information Digital libraries Digital media Digital television Digitalisation of transport Digitalization learning Disability-oriented devices Disability-oriented systems Disability studies Disabilty Disaster Disaster management Discrete mathematics Distribut Distributed Computing Distributed Systems Distributed computation Distributed computing Distributed processing Distributed systems Diversity DjGoHXOMNxc Document Analysis Domain-specific languages Domain specific languages Dominican Republic Driveline technology Driver-less cars and unmanned vehicles Dubai Dysfluency E-Business E-Governance E-Government E-Learning E-Science E-business E-commerce E-government E-health E-learning E-science E16 ECONOMIC EDA VLSI Design EGYPT EHealth EI ELT EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN ENERGY-AWARE SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES EU Framework Programme EU project Early modern Earth Earth and Planetary Sciences Eastern Europe Ebanking Ebonyi Nigeria Eco tourism Ecology Ecology and veterinary Ecommerce Economic Economic policy Economic stuidies Economics Economy Ecuador Edge Edge computing Edinburgh Edited book Editor in Chief Education Education Technology Education science Educational Technology Educational data mining Educational foundations Educational psychology Educational reform Educational technology Educators Efficient computing Egypt Ehealth Eiffel Electrical Electrical Engineering Electrical and Control System Electrical drives Electrical electronic engineer Electrical engineering Electricity distribution Electromagnetism Electronic Electronic circuit Electronic commerce Electronic components Electronic warfare Electronics Electronics and communication Electronics engineering Ely Embedded Network Embedded Network Sensor Systems Embedded Network Systems Embedded Systems Embedded computing Embedded systems Embodied interaction Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery of Networks and Applications Emerging Network Communications and Technologies Emerging intelligent technolog Emerging scholars Emerging technologies Emerging technology Emotions Enabling technology End-user programming Energy Energy-aware vehicular technologies Energy Management Energy efficiency Energy efficiency planning Energy engineering Energy generation and storage Energy harvesting Energy management Energy markets Energy services Energy transmission Energy use and efficiency Engineering Engineering & Computer Science Engineering and Medicine Engineering applications Engineering physics England English English linguistics English literature Enterprise Information Systems Enterprise Integration Enterprise Interoperability Enterprise Semantics Enterprise Software Technologies Enterprise management Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Regional Development Enviornment Environment Environmental Environmental engineering Environmental science Epistemology Equipment Manufacturing Ergonomics; Computer Science; Psychology; Neuroscience; Education; Human Mental workload España Essen Estonia Etc.) Ethics Ethics/philosophy Ethiopia Eu crises Eu politics Europe European studies European union Event Event-based systems Event series Events Evolutionary Computation Evolutionary Computation and Neural Computation Evolutionary computation Evolving Internet Experimental psychology Expert Systems Extended warranty Extension Extra-functional properties Extreme programming FAQ FL FOG FP6 project FP7 Coordinating and Support Action FP7 project FPGA FRANCE Face-to-face communication Face recognition Facial expression recognition Factory Automation Fame Family Faro Fashion Fashion studies Fault-tolerance Fault-tolerant computing Fault localization Federated Query Engine Feminism Fiji Fiji Islands File and Storage Technologies Film Film studies Finance Financial mathematics Financial systems Finland Fluid flow Foaf Foaf:Person Foaf:person Fog computing Food chemistry Food packaging Food safety Food science Food shelf life Forecasting Forensic science Form Formal methods Formal models; Game theory; Biological foundations; Evolutionary dynamics Formal science Formal semantics and syntax Forum Forum/ Foundations of Computer Science Foundations of Genetic Algorithms France Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Free software French Guiana French literature Frontend Functional Programming Fundamentals in Smart Grids Fundamentel Aspects of DSL Funded project Funding Future Future computing Future internet Future studies Futurism Fuzzy Computation Fuzzy computation Fuzzy logic Fuzzy systems GA GIS GOLD COAST GOVERNANCE Game design Game theory Gamification Ge Gender Gender Studies Gender and science General Studies Geo-Services Geographic Information Systems Geographic information systems Geography Geoinformatics Geology Geomechanics Geometric modeling Geometry Geophysics Geoscience German Germany Gerontology Geroscience Ghana Gieres Gift Giftedness Global Global Studies Globalization Goettingen GpzFAAlpQQZrCR Grammar Granada GraphViz GraphViz dot Graph mining Graphics Great Britain Grecia Greece Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies Green Computing Green Technologies Green communications Green computation Green computing Green energy Green supply chain Grey Literature Grid Grid computing Ground Penetrating Radar Ground systems Group Groupware Guadeloupe/France Guangdong Guangzhou Guatemala Guelph H2020 project HCI HI HPC Hachathon Hacking Hair Halle(Saale) Hannover Hardware Hardware security Hawaii Health Health Informatics Health care services Health care text analytics Health compromising behaviours Health informatics Healthcare Healthcare applications Heat Heat treatment Helsinki Heterogeneous Heterogeneous computing High-performance computing High Energy Physics High Frequency Technology; Radio Frequency Technology; road vehicle technology High Performance Computer Architecture High energy physics High performance analysis High performance computing Higher Education Higher education Highest frequency technology Hispanic Hispanic studies Historical Linguistics History History of medicine Hong Kong Honors Hospitality Housing Houston Http:// Human-Robot Collaboration and Humman Assistance for an Improved Quality of Life Human-animal relations Human-centred computing Human-centric computing Human-computer interaction Human-machine interaction Human-maschine interaction Human-robot interaction Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Human Factors in Computing Systems Human centerned computing Human computer interaction Human computer interfaces Human factors Human rights Human system interaction Humanities Humanities/Jurisprudence Hungary Hungray Hurghada Hybrid approaches within evolutionary computation and also involving fuzzy computation and neural computation. Hybrid intelligent systems Hydrocolloids I-Society IAAS ICS ICT ICT for development IEEE IL INDIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTING LEARNING INTERNATIONAL IOT ITS IT education IZMIR Iafor Iceland Icon Icst) e-health Icst) network Icst) performance evaluation Ict4d Ict convergence Identity management Ieee computing conference Ignal processing Image Image/video processing Image / video processing Image Processing Image Processing, Pattern Recognition Image analysis Image and Signal Processing Image and Video Processing Image processing Image schemes Imaging Imaging Theory and Applications Imaging and Computer Graphics Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications Immersion Imported vocabulary Incentives Inclusion India Indian Indian Wells Indian languages Indonesia Industrial diamond Industrial electronics Industrial engineering Industrial production Industry collaboration Informatics Informatics in Control Informatioin security Information Information Computational Intelligence Information Engineering Information Networking and Applications Information Processing Information Retrieval Information Science Information Sciences Information Security Information Security, Cryptography Information Society Information Systems Information Systems and Technology Information Technologies Information Technology Information Visualization Information and Communication Security Information and Communication Technology Information and Data Science Information and Knowledge Management Information and communication Information and communication security Information and communication technologies Information and signal process Information extraction Information management Information mining Information processing Information retrieval Information science Information sciences Information security Information system Information systems Information technology Information theory Informations systems Innovation Innovations - african studies Inorganic and nuclear Chemistry Institute Instrumentation Insurance Integrated Circuit Integrated cirduits Intelligen Information and Database Systems Intelligence Intelligence and technology Intelligent Computing Intelligent Data Management Intelligent Information and Database Systems Intelligent Robotic Systems Intelligent System Intelligent Systems Intelligent Systems and Applications Intelligent Systems and Image Processing Intelligent Transportation Intelligent agents Intelligent application Intelligent computer networks Intelligent computing Intelligent decision suport Intelligent motion Intelligent sensors Intelligent system Intelligent systems Interaction Interaction in educational environments Interaction management Interactive computing Interactive search Interactive television Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Research with Focus on Ethics International International business International nursing and glob International relations Internationalisation Internet Internet-of-things Internet Technologies Internet computing Internet culture Internet monitoring Internet of Things Internet of things Internet protection Internet security Interoperability Interpretability Interpreting IoT Ios development Iot Iot-big data Iot360â° Iot and ioe Iran Iraq Ireland Islamabad Islamic Israel Istanbul It security Italy JAPAN Jakarta Japan Japan. Japanese studies Java Jihad Job Jordan Journal Journalism Juniorprofessor Karpacz Kaunas City Kazakhstan Kentucky Kharkiv Kiev Kngdm Knowledge Knowledge-based user interface Knowledge Capture Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Knowledge Graph Knowledge Graphs Knowledge Management Knowledge Representation Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Knowledge Sharing Knowledge and decision bases Knowledge base Knowledge capture Knowledge discovery Knowledge engineering Knowledge management Knowledge representation Knowledge representation and reasoning Kolkata Korea Korea. Korea (South) Kuala Lumpur Kunming Kurukshetra L3S LA LEARNING/TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENT LEISURE LOUD COMPUTING ENABLING TECHNOLOGY Language Language and linguistics Language design and implementa Language learning Language resource Language teaching Language technologies Languages Lanuage Evaluation Laos Large networks Las Vegas Laser physics Lasers Latino Latvia Law Law/Government Law & policy Lean Learning Learning analytics Learning analytics and knowledge Learning representation Lebanon Legal sciences Leipzig Lexicography LgXxkcGAqJyiFhffiKB Libraries Library Library Science Library and Information Science Library and information science Licence License Lidar Life Sience Life science Life sciences Lifelog Lifestyle issues Light-driven catalysis Limassol Linguistic data Linguistics Link Linked Data Linked Dta Linked Open Data Linked data Linux Lisbon Literary studies Literature Literature & Librarianship Lithuania Liverpool Logic Logic-based knowledge represen Logic programming Logics Logistics London Loop optimization Loop parallelization Lorca Los Angeles Louisville Low power Lower Saxony Luxembourg Luxemburg Lübeck MA MALAYSIA MD MD. USA MDA MEMS NEMS MElqPItdLfih MN MOBILE AND PERVASIVE COMPUTING MODELING LANGUAGES MQDzVfyZJdGw Macau Macedonia Machine Design Machine Learning Machine Learning and Applications Machine learning Machine learning applications Machine translation Machining and grinding Madeira Madrid Madurai Mailinglist Malaysia Malta Management Management and Social Sciences Management and control Management sciences Manchester Mannheim Manufacture component material Manufacturing Manufacturing Processes and Systems Manufacturing Technologies Manufacturing technologies Many-task computing Market design Marketing Maroc Marriage Martinique Maryland Material sciene Materials Materials Engineering Materials Processing Engineering Materials engineering Materials science Mathematical creativity Mathematical modelling and sim Mathematical statistics Mathematics Mathematics and Physics Mathematics competitions Mauritius Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engneering Mechanical engineering Mechanics Mechanisms&methods Mechatronic and robotic system Mechatronics Mechatronics & Embedded Systems Media Media and Mass Communication Media studies Medical Medical imaging Medical informatics Medicine Melbourne Memetic computing Menlo Park Mental health Mental workload Metadata Metadata and Semantics Metadata and semantic research Metamaterial Metaphysics Meteology Methods Mexico Micro electronics Microelectronics Microservices Microwave engineering Microwave technology Middle East Middleware Migration Mining Mining clinical data Minorities Missouri Mixed and Augmented Reality Mixed method analysis Mobile Mobile Computing Mobile Networks and Management Mobile Services Mobile cloud Mobile computing Mobile networks Mobile software development Mobile systems Mobility Mobility trends" Modal logic Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development Model-based Testing Model-driven development Model checking Modeling Modelling Models and tools Modernism Molecular biology Monitoring Montenegro Montreal Montréal Moocs Morocco Moscow Mozambique Mucosal immunology system Mullana Multi-Agent Systems Multi-Agent systems Multi-agent Multi-agent systems Multi-agents Multi-media computing Multi-technology service deployment and assurance Multi Agent Systems Multi Provider QoS/SLA Internetworking Multiagent Systems Multiagent systems Multidisciplinary Multimedia Multimedia Quality Multimedia Retrieval Multimedia behavior Multiword expressions Mumbai Munich Museum Muslim Myanmar México México N/A N/a NC NE NEWCASTLE NJ USA NLP NV NY NY, Seoul NZ Nagoya Nairobi Named data networking Nanjing Nanoelectronic systems Nanophotonic Nanotechnology Napa Narrative National project National security Native american Native language preservation Natural Language Processing Natural language processing Natural resources Natural science Natural sciences Navigation Navigation technology Nepal Netherland Netherlands Network Network Control and Management Network Simulation Network Systems and Applications Network Virtual Environment Network and Computing Network and Computing Technologies Network and communication Network and security Network management Network security Networked learning Networking Networking Technologies Networking and Services Networks Neural Information Processing Systems Neural computation and artificial neural networks Neural information processing Neural networks Neuro-psycholinguistics Neurobiology Neurocomputing Neuroinformatics Neuroscience Nevada New Delhi New Orleans New York New York City New Zealand New imaging and microscopy Newark Newcastle News Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services Nfv Nlp in healthcare NoSQL Databases Non-coding rna Non-profit Research Association North-Rhein Westphalia North America North Cyprus Northern Europe Northern Ireland Norway Nottingham Nuclear technology Null Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains Nursing Nursing and integrated care Nursing education Nursing leadership Nutritional habits and food hy OH OJuKeQxYm OPTICS; PHOTONICS; LASERS OS Object Oriented Programming Systems Ocean Engineering Oceania Of Offensive security Office system Ohio Okinawa Onine Online Online Engineering Online communities Online conference Online confernce Online social networks Ontologies Ontology Ontology Evaluation Ontology systems Open Data Open Science Open data Open science Open source Operating System Operating Systems Operating system Operating systems Operation research Operations research Opinion Optical Optics Optics & Photonics Optimization Organic chemistry Organization Organizational architecture Orlando Osn analysis Ourism & education Oxford P. R. China PA PARIS PID POLAND PROCESSES AND PLATFORMS; APPLICATIONS AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Pacific literature Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls Pages with a map rendered by the Maps extension Pages with broken file links Pages with syntax highlighting errors Pakistan Paper PaperTitle Parallel Computing Parallel Processing Parallel algorithms Parallel computing Parallel processing Parallel systems Pattern analysis Pattern matching Pattern recognition Patterns Patterns and Applications Peacebuilding Pedagogy Peer-to-peer (p2p) networks Performance engineering Performance evaluation Persistent Identifiers Person Personality Perth Peru Pervasive Pervasive Computing Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Pervasive computing Pervasive services Pervasive systems PhDSymposium PhD Student Philadelphia Philipines Philippines Philology/Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy of science Phitsanulok Photocatalysis Photonic Photonics Physical Chemistry Physics Physics, Electronics, Remote Engineering, Virtual Instrumentation Physics & Mathematics Physiological computing Pisa Place Plains Planning Plasmonic Poetry Poland Polen Policies Policy-advocacy Political Political science Politics Pollution control Polyhedral model Polymer science Pop culture Portal Portland Porto Alegre Portugal Portugal. Positioning PostDoc Postdoc Poster Posthumanism Power Power and energy Power electronics Power engineering Practice Prague Preparedness Prevention Privacy Proceedings Process modeling Process monitoring Product design Product development Production Engineering Professional development Professor Program analysis Program debugging Program semantics Programming Programming Language Programming Language Design Programming Languages Programming abstractions Programming and language design Programming language Programming languages Programming models Programming paradigms Project Property Protocols Prototyping Psychiatry Psycholinguistics Psychology Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Public health Public policy Publication Publication series Publisher QUANTUM Qatar Quantitative methods Quantum computing Query retrieval Quezon City Québec City RFID RNA RS Radar Radar signal processing Raipur Reactive languages Real-time Real-time Systems Real-time systems Real Time Systems Reasoner Recommendation Recommender Systems Recommender systems Reconfigurable computing Reconfiguration Redwood City Regulatory policies Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement learning Relationships Reliability Religion Remote Sensing Remote sensing Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Technologies Renewable energies Renewable energy Renewal Programme was a catalyst for Reproductive rights Republic of Korea Republic of Singapore Reputation Requirements Engineering Research Research Associate Research Center Research Group Research Lecturer Research Problem Research associate Research data management Research event Research infrastructure Research management Research methods Research of Data Management Theory Researcher Resilience Resilience studies Resources Reston Retail Management Research Retrieval Rhodes Rica Rio de Janeiro Risk management Road Vehicle Technology Roanoke Robot-related trends Robot and Human Interactive Communication Robot systems Robotechnic Robotics Robotics Technology and Artificial Intelligence Robots Romania Rome Run-time systems Russia Russian SC SCI 2017 SDN SERVICES SCIENCE FOUNDATION FOR CLOUD COMPUTING SINGAPORE SMART GRIDS SOA SOCIAL CONTEXT AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS SPIN) SPLE STEM SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS Sacrifice Safet critical systems Safety Safety and security Sai confererence San Diego San Francisco Sankt Augustin Santa Monica Satellite Communication Satellite Communications Saudi Arabia Saxony Scheduling Scholarly data Scholarly publishing Schulung Sci-index Science Science Technology & Engineering Science education Science education and disabled Science in Society Science studies Science teaching methods Sciencefiction Sciences and Software Engineering Scientific Computing Scientific computing Scientific visualization Scientist Scotland Secondary education Secured Technologies Security Security Information and technologies Security Management Security and Privacy in Vehicular Networks Security in data science Security systems Seiten mit ignorierten Anzeigetiteln Selective sampling Self-adaptability and self-management of context-aware systems Self-adaptive systems Semantic Semantic Annotation Missing Semantic Computing Semantic Web Semantic similarity Semantic web Semantics Semantik Semitic languages Senior Researcher Senior researcher Sensing Sensing devices Sensor Sensor Networks Sensor Systems Sensor devices Sensor networks Sensor standards Sensor technologies/methods Sensors Sentiment Serbia Series Service Service-orientation Service-oriented computing Service based system Service computing Service contract Service management Services Services and Applications Services computing Servicies computing Sexuality Shanghai Side channel attacks Signal Processing Signal processing Signal processing, information systems, cyber security, information technology, Silao Simulated evolution Simulation Since 1996. Than we'll to take you Singapore Singpaore Skiathos Slovak Republic Slovakia Slovenia Smart Smart Cities Smart City Smart Grids Smart Grids Transmission Infrastructure Smart Grids and social infrastructure challenges Smart Grids applications Smart Grids management and control Smart Grids technologies Smart Manufacturing Technology Smart cities Smart city Smart classroom Smart communication Smart e-learning Smart education Smart grid Smart grids Smart homes Smart micro-grids Smart mobility Smart portable devices Smart portable systems Smart sensing Smart university Snrna Social Social Network Analysis Social Science Social Sciences Social Search Social Theory Social behavior Social clouds Social computing Social media Social media analytics Social network analysis Social network group Social networks Social networks. Social policy Social robots and cognition Social science Social sciences Social sciences (politics Social signal processing Social web Society Sociology Sociophonetics Soft computing Softeware design Software Software Architecture Software Architecture and Ontology Software Defined Networking Software Engineering Software Maintenance Software Product Line Engineering Software Project Management Software Verification Software analysis Software and System Engineering Software architecture Software defined networking Software design Software development Software education Software engineering Software engineering, Semantic Web Software for Smart Grids Software language engineering Software maintenance Software quality Software quality assurance Software science Software testing Software verification Solar Solar energy South South Africa South America South Korea Southern Europe Southwest studies Space Space-ground communications Spain Spanish civil war Spanish literature Spatial Spatial Algorithms and Systems Spatial relation Special Interest Group Special issue Specification and design languages Specifics on application domains databases Speech Speech-language pathology Speech Processing Speech modeling Speech processing Speech recognition Sport Sport Science Sport and Society Sports Sports Science Springfield Sri Lanka St. Kitts Stand-alone event Starch Statistical pattern recognitio Statistics Storage systems Storrs Story Strategy Student Student learning experience Stuttering Subject Summer Schools Summer school Summerschools Super-resolution imaging Supercomputing Support systems Surface characterisation tools Surface engineering Surface nanotechnology Surface science Surface technology Surveillance Sustainability Sustainable Development Sustainable business Sustainable development Sustainable energy Sustainable finance Swarm algorithms Swarm intelligence Sweden Switzerland Sydney Symbolic and Algebraic Computation Symbolic computation Symbolism Symposium Synthetic aperture radar Syria System System Analysis and Modelling System engineering System verification Systems Systems Security Systems and aplications Systems and architectures Systems and network telemetry Systems biology Systems engineering Systems of systems TBA TBD TOOLS AND ARCHITECTURES; METHODOLOGIES TURKEY TX Taiwan Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tangible user interface Tanzania Tarragona Teaching Teaching methodologies and ass Technical and socio-economic field Technological innovations Technologies Technology Technology for Education Technology in education Techonologies Tehran Telecom Telecommunication Telecommunications Telemedicine Telford Template Temporal data Terre Haute Terrorism Test Testing Testing and reliability Texas Text-mining Text and web-data analytics Text mining Thailand The Netherl The Netherlands The New Forest Theatre Theoretical Aspects of Machine Learning and Related Topics Theoretical Computer Science Theoretical computer science Theory Theory and Practice of Autonomous Systems Theory of computation Thermodynamics Tianjin University of Technology and Education Time-Sensitive Systems Time-Sensitive systems Tirkey Toledo Tool Tools Toronto Toward brain-like autonomic and autonomous systems Tracking patterns Tracks Training of science teachers Transdisciplinary Transfer Translation Transmedia Transport optimation design Transportation Trends in energy fields Trends in networking and services Trin and Tobgo Trust Trustworthy Computing Tunesia Tunisia Turkey Tutor Tutorial TvBYqmvyWYhblz Type theory Türkiye U.K. U.S. UAE UBIQUITOUS LEARNING UK US USA USA(Nebr) Ubiquitous Ubiquitous Computing Ubiquitous Computing Security Systems Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous mobile services and protocols Ubiquitous sensing Ukraine Ulm Uncategorized Uncertainty Undefined United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom 2009 United States United States of America Universities University University chair Uralic Urban data Urban design Urban planning User Modeling User interfaces User modeling Users Utah Uzbekistan VA VLSI VLSI design Validation València Variability Engineering Vehicular Networking Vehicular Systems Vehicular communication Vellore Venue Verification Verification and validation Victoria Island Video Video analysis Video conference Video search Vienna Vietnam Vilamoura Villach Virtual Reality Virtual agents Virtual reality Virtualization Virtualized networks Vision Vision and sensors Visual Communication Visual analytics Visual communication Visual languages Visualization Vocabulary Voice Voice pedagogy Warranty Washington Washington DC Water Water pollution Waterloo Watermarking Wearable Wearable computing Web Web-Based Learning Web-based Web & Internet Web Applications and Services Web Engineering Web Information Systems Web Intelligence Web Science Web Science, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Semantic Web Web and game development Web centric Web forum Web intelligence Web mining Web semantic Web services Web systems Web technologies Webinar Wellness Wellness and Society Welwyn garden City Western Europe Wiki WikiData Williamsburg Wired and wireless communicati Wireless Wireless Mesh Networks Wireless Networking Wireless communication Wireless communication systems Wireless communications Wireless computing Wireless networks Wireless sensor networks Women's rights Workdocumentation Workflows Workshop Workshop series World World Wide Web World wide web Wsn XML XML-driven data XRbmtApyVRbCAe Xi'an Xiamen Young adult Zimbabwe Österreich Übung 中国 越南