Edit Event: CPMMS-Health 2016
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Facts about "CPMMS-Health 2016"
Acronym | CPMMS-Health 2016 + |
End date | December 13, 2016 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has coordinates | 37Β° 20' 10", -121Β° 53' 26"Latitude: 37.336166666667 Longitude: -121.89059166667 + |
Has location city | San Jose + |
Has location country | Category:USA + |
Has location state | California + |
Homepage | http://sites.google.com/site/cpmmshealth2016/ + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | September 30, 2016 + |
Start date | December 11, 2016 + |
Submission deadline | September 20, 2016 + |
Title | CPMMS-Health 2016 : IEEE ISM Workshop on Cyber-physical Multimedia Systems for Smarter Healthcare (CPMMS) + |