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[[has abstract:={{{Abstract}}}]]
[[has conclusion:={{{Conclusion}}}]]
[[has future work:={{{Future work}}}]]
Positive Aspects: [[Has PositiveAspects::{{{PositiveAspects}}}]]
Negative Aspects: [[Has NegativeAspects::{{{NegativeAspects}}}]]
Limitations: [[Has Limitations::{{{Limitations}}}]]
Challenges: [[Has Challenges::{{{Challenges}}}]]
Proposes Algorithm: [[Proposes Algorithm::{{{ProposesAlgorithm}}}]]
Methodology: [[uses Methodology::{{{Methodology}}}]]
Requirements: [[Has Requirements::{{{Requirements}}}]]
Download-page: [[Has Downloadpage::{{{Download-page}}}]]
Access API: [[access API::{{{API}}}]]
Information Representation: [[Has InfoRepresentation::{{{InfoRepresentation}}}]]
Data Catalogue: [[Has DataCatalouge::{{{Catalogue}}}]]
Runs on OS: [[ runsOn OS::{{{OS}}}]]
Vendor: [[Has vendor::{{{vendor}}}]]
Uses Framework: [[Uses Framework::{{{Framework}}}]]
Has Documentation URL: [[Has DocumentationURL::{{{DocumentationURL}}}]]
Programming Language: [[implementedIn ProgLang::{{{ProgLang}}}]]
Version: [[has Version ::{{{Version}}}]]
Platform: [[has platform::{{{Platform}}}]]
Toolbox: [[uses Toolbox::{{{Toolbox}}}]]
GUI: has GUI::No
Subproblem of: [[Has Subproblem::{{{Subproblem}}}]]
RelatedProblem: [[Has relatedProblem::{{{RelatedProblem}}}]]
Motivation: [[Has motivation::{{{Motivation}}}]]
Experiment Setup: [[Has ExperimentSetup::{{{ExperimentSetup}}}]]
Evaluation Method : [[Has EvaluationMethod::{{{EvaluationMethod}}}]]
Hypothesis: [[Has Hypothesis::{{{Hypothesis}}}]]
Description: [[Has Description::{{{Description}}}]]
Dimensions: [[Has Dimensions::{{{Dimensions}}}]]
Benchmark used: [[has Benchmark::{{{Benchmark}}}]]
Results: [[Has Results::{{{Results}}}]]
Paper description:
<noinclude> This is the 'Paper' form. To add a page with this form, enter the page name below; if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page. {{#forminput:Paper}} </noinclude><includeonly> {{{info|page name=<Paper[Title]><unique number>}}} {{{for template|Paper}}} =Bibliographical Metadata= {| class="formtable" ! Paper Title*: | {{{field|Title||unique}}} | Full title of the given paper |- ! Subject: | {{{field|Subject|input type=text}}} | Primary subject or topic of research of the paper. |- ! Author(s): | {{{field|Authors|autocomplete on category=People}}} |- ! Publication venue: | {{{field|Series|autocomplete on category=Event series|default=No data available now.}}} | Publication venue of the paper. |- ! Year: | {{{field|Year|input type=year|default=No data available now.}}} | The year in which the paper is published. |- ! Keywords: | {{{field|Keywords|input type=text|placeholder=keywords separated by comma}}} |- ! Abstract: | {{{field|Abstract|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} | Abstract of the paper. |- ! Conclusion: | {{{field|Conclusion|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Future work: | {{{field|Future work|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} | Future ideas of the paper. |} =Content Metadata= {| class="formtable" |- ! Problem: | {{{field|Problem|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | The research problem. |- ! Approach: | {{{field|Approach|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | Approach used to achieve the goal. |- ! Implementation: | {{{field|Implementation|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | The implementation/framework that is invoked when running. |- ! Evaluation: | {{{field|Evaluation|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | Proposed work Evaluation. |} =Approach= {| class="formtable" ! Positive Aspects: | {{{field|PositiveAspects|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Negative Aspects: | {{{field|NegativeAspects|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Limitations: | {{{field|Limitations|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Challenges: | {{{field|Challenges|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Proposes Algorithm: | {{{field|ProposesAlgorithm|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Proposes Model: | {{{field|Model|input type=combobox|values=Mathematical,Architectural,Pipeline|}}} |- ! Methodology: | {{{field|Methodology|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Requirements: | {{{field|Requirements|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |} =Implementations= {| class="formtable" ! Download-page: | {{{field|Download-page|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Access API: | {{{field|API|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Information Representation: | {{{field|InfoRepresentation|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Data Catalogue: | {{{field|Catalogue|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! OS: | {{{field|OS|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Vendor: | {{{field|vendor|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | Organization: commercial, free or otherwise |- ! Uses Framework: | {{{field|Framework|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | Framework name |- ! Documentation URL: | {{{field|DocumentationURL|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | Link to Documentation webpage. |- ! Programming Language: | {{{field|ProgLang|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Version: | {{{field|Version|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Platform: | {{{field|Platform|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Toolbox: | {{{field|Toolbox|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! GUI: | {{{field|GUI|input type=checkbox|default=No data available now.}}} | whether the implementation has a GUI? |} =Research Problem= {| class="formtable" ! Subproblem of: | {{{field|Subproblem|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | A broader research problem. |- ! Related Problem: | {{{field|RelatedProblem|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | A another research problem. |- ! Motivation: | {{{field|Motivation|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | The motivation to solve the problem. |} =Evaluation= {| class="formtable" ! Experiment setup: | {{{field|ExperimentSetup|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |- ! Evaluation method : | {{{field|EvaluationMethod|input type=text|default=No data available now.}}} | A broader research problem. |- ! Hypothesis: | {{{field|Hypothesis|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} | A another research problem. |- ! Description: | {{{field|Description|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} | The motivation to solve the problem. |- ! Dimensions: | {{{field|Dimensions|input type=combobox|values=Performance,Availability,Usability,Accuracy,Scalability|default=No data available now.}}} | Select evaluation dimension. |- ! Benchmark: | {{{field|Benchmark|autocomplete on category=Dataset}}} | Benchmark used for evaluation. |- ! Results: | {{{field|Results|input type=textarea|default=No data available now.}}} |} {{{end template}}} <headertabs/> '''Paper description:''' {{{standard input|free text|editor=wikieditor|rows=30|preload=Template:Paper prepring body}}} {{{standard input|summary}}} {{{standard input|minor edit}}} {{{standard input|watch}}} {{{standard input|save}}} {{{standard input|preview}}} {{{standard input|changes}}} {{{standard input|cancel}}} [[Category:Paper]] </includeonly>
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