Edit Event: SeMaT 2016
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Facts about "SeMaT 2016"
Acronym | SeMaT 2016 + |
End date | November 1, 2016 + |
Event type | Workshop + |
Has coordinates | 30Β° 16' 16", -97Β° 44' 37"Latitude: 30.271127777778 Longitude: -97.7437 + |
Has location city | Austin + |
Homepage | http://semitic-mt.seas.gwu.edu/ + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | September 12, 2016 + |
Start date | November 1, 2016 + |
Submission deadline | August 28, 2016 + |
Title | SeMaT 2016 : AMTA 2016 Workshop on Semitic Machine Translation + |