Revision history of "EEET 2021"
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Facts about "EEET 2021"
Acronym | EEET 2021 + |
End date | December 5, 2021 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has Keynote speaker | Prof. S. Joe Qin City University of Hong Kong +, Prof. Lihua Xie +, Fellow of IEEE and IFAC Nanyang Technological University + and Prof. Masahiro Fujita The University of Tokyo + |
Has OC member | Mohd Zaid Abdullah +, Universiti Sains Malaysia +, Zhiwei Zhao + and Southeast University + |
Has Submitting link | + |
Has coordinates | 32° 5' 20", 118° 47' 32"Latitude: 32.089019444444 Longitude: 118.79216666667 + |
Has general chair | Yuning Zhang +, Southeast University +, Masa Takei + and Chiba University + |
Has location city | Nanjing + |
Has location country | Category:China + |
Has location state | Jiangsu Province + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Registration link | + |
Start date | December 3, 2021 + |
Submission deadline | July 10, 2021 + |
Title | 4th International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering Technology + |