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Facts about "FCT 1999"
Acceptance rate41.2 +
Accepted papers42 +
AcronymFCT 1999 +
End dateSeptember 3, 1999 +
Event in seriesFCT +
Event typeSymposium +
Has coordinates47° 9' 42", 27° 35' 2"Latitude: 47.161561111111
Longitude: 27.583780555556
Has general chairGabriel Ciobanu +
Has location cityIasi +
Has location countryCategory:Romania +
Has program chairS. Bozapalidis + and C. Calude +
IsAEvent +
Ordinal12 +
Start dateAugust 30, 1999 +
Submitted papers102 +
Title12th Fundamentals of Computation Theory +