Revision history of "LDOW 2019"
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Facts about "LDOW 2019"
Acronym | LDOW 2019 + |
Camera ready due | March 3, 2019 + |
End date | May 13, 2019 + |
Event in series | LDOW + |
Event type | Workshop + |
Has Keynote speaker | Craig Knoblock + and Daniel Burnett + |
Has PC member | Blake Regalia +, Evgeniia Filippova +, Gengchen Mai +, Ingo Keck +, Ismail Khoffi +, Lars Heling +, Lisa Rheinheimer +, Manoharan Ramachandran + and Naiz Chowdhury + |
Has Submitting link | + |
Has coordinates | 37° 46' 44", -122° 25' 12"Latitude: 37.779025 Longitude: -122.41990555556 + |
Has coordinator | Maribel Acosta +, Tim Berners-Lee +, Stefan Dietze +, Anastasia Dimou +, John Domingue +, Luis-Daniel Ibáñez +, Krzysztof Janowicz +, Maria-Esther Vidal + and Amrapali Zaveri + |
Has location city | San Francisco + |
Has location country | Category:USA + |
Has location state | California + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | February 21, 2019 + |
Start date | May 13, 2019 + |
Submission deadline | February 3, 2019 + |
Title | Linked Data on the Web and its Relationship with Distributed Ledgers (LDOW/LDDL) + |