Revision history of "SLIE 2017"
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Facts about "SLIE 2017"
Acronym | SLIE 2017 + |
End date | May 24, 2017 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has coordinates | 25° 56' 14", -81° 42' 57"Latitude: 25.93725 Longitude: -81.715730555556 + |
Has location city | Marco Island + |
Has location country | Category:USA + |
Has location state | Florida + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | January 23, 2017 + |
Start date | May 22, 2017 + |
Submission deadline | November 21, 2016 + |
Title | SLIE 2017 : Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI + |