Page values for "DMSVIVA 2018"
Facts about "DMSVIVA 2018"
Acceptance rate | 44.0 + |
Accepted papers | 11 + |
Acronym | DMSVIVA 2018 + |
Attendance fee currency | $ + |
Camera ready due | May 10, 2018 + |
Early bird regular | 695.00 + |
End date | June 30, 2018 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has coordinates | 37° 29' 11", -122° 13' 57"Latitude: 37.486325 Longitude: -122.23252222222 + |
Has coordinator | Jennifer Leopold +, F. Colace +, Weibin Liu + and Chaman Sabharwal + |
Has location city | Redwood City + |
Has location country | Category:USA + |
Has location state | California + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | April 20, 2018 + |
On site regular | 795.00 + |
Registration link | + |
Start date | June 29, 2018 + |
Submission deadline | March 23, 2018 + |
Submitted papers | 25 + |
Title | 24th International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages + |