Page values for "Property:GND-ID"
Facts about "GND-ID"
ConfIDent property name | gnd id + |
DataCite property | alternateIdentifier + and alternateIdentifierType="gnd id -" + |
IsA | Property + |
MapsToAEON | AEON_0000076 + |
Needed for DOI registration | false + |
Priority Milestone | iteration 1 + |
Property documentation | This property of the da … This property of the datatype External identifier is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in the Integrated_Authority_File (GND). Its external formatter URI is$1.
the DOI registration process via DataCite. +In Open Research it is mostly used to identify an academic event or event series within the GND. The use of this property is optional. It is not necessary for the DOI registration process via DataCite. |
Property label | GND ID + |
Property mandatory | false + |
Property name | gndId + |
Property primaryKey | false + |
Property topic | Event + |
Property type | External identifier + |
RQ schema property | EventOtherId + and SeriesOtherId + |
Usage obligation | optional + |
Used for | Concept:Event + and Concept:Event series + |
Wikidata property | P227 + |
External formatter URI "External formatter URI" is a predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to specify an external resource with a placeholder. |$1 + and$1 + |
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | External identifier + |