Page values for "WACV 2017"
Facts about "WACV 2017"
Acceptance rate | 45.0 + |
Accepted papers | 144 + |
Acronym | WACV 2017 + |
End date | March 31, 2017 + |
Event in series | WACV + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has coordinates | 38° 26' 26", -122° 42' 51"Latitude: 38.440491666667 Longitude: -122.71410555556 + |
Has general chair | Gérard Medioni +, David Michael + and Sudeep Sarka + |
Has location city | Santa Rosa + |
Has location country | Category:USA + |
Has location state | California + |
Has program chair | Michael S. Brown +, Rogério Feris +, Conrad Sanderson + and Matthew Turk + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Start date | March 24, 2017 + |
Submission deadline | October 3, 2017 + |
Submitted papers | 320 + |
Title | IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision + |