Page values for "WAIHCWS 2010"
Facts about "WAIHCWS 2010"
Acronym | WAIHCWS 2010 + |
End date | October 8, 2010 + |
Event type | Workshop + |
Has coordinates | -19° 55' 22", -43° 56' 42"Latitude: -19.922730555556 Longitude: -43.945094444444 + |
Has location city | Belo Horizonte + |
Has location country | Category:Brazil + |
Has location state | Minas Gerais + |
Homepage | en.html + |
IsA | Event + |
Start date | October 5, 2010 + |
Subevent of | 9th Brazilian Symposium of Human Factors on Computer Systems (IHC) + |
Submission deadline | July 30, 2010 + |
Title | Workshop on Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for the Social Web + |