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(First Workshop on Using Search Engine Technology for Information Management)
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* Co-Organizers
* Co-Organizers
* General Co-Chairs
* General Co-Chairs
** [has general chair::Gregory Grefenstette]], Exalead, France
** [[has general chair::Gregory Grefenstette]], Exalead, France
** [has general chair::Wolfgang Nejdl]], University of Hannover, Germany
** [[has general chair::Wolfgang Nejdl]], University of Hannover, Germany
** [has general chair::David Simmen]], IBM Almaden, USA  
** [[has general chair::David Simmen]], IBM Almaden, USA  
* Program Committee Members
* Program Committee Members

Revision as of 12:27, 19 June 2009

Using Search Engine Technology for Information Management
Subevent of VLDB 2009
Dates 2009/08/24 (iCal) - 2009/08/24
Homepage: www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=5101
Location: Lyon, France
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Important dates
Submissions: 2009/05/17
Table of Contents

For information management, databases offer precise, controlled access to data. But, they do not offer the easy-to-use search capabilities that most knowledge workers manipulate daily on sites such as Google. Access to information contained in databases is more difficult, and more restricted. One solution to this information bottleneck is to let search engines support the brunt of the work, by offloading information from the database into alternative infrastructures, such as that provided by search engine technology. Many business applications such as search, report generation and data analysis might be performed more efficiently on the replicated data without involving the native database technology, e.g. transactions. These offloaded databases, retaining some of their structure, can be recombined, mashed up, creating one-off, possibly disposable, databases, while the primary data is safe in the original database. This workshop will examine the limits and potentialities of use information retrieval and search engine technology for information management (IM) applications.


search engine as a database

business intelligence applications without OLAP

optimization of relational database search

affordances of search engine technology for database offloading

mashups for user applications

content aggregation systems

limits of database offloading

database connectors

access-optimized databases

disposable databases

optimizing access, flexibility, and scalability


Submission Deadline: May 17, 2009

Important Dates

Notification Due: May 29, 2009 Final Version Due: Jun 20, 2009 Conference: Aug 24, 2009
