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ICIEM 2016
ICIEM 2016 : International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development
Dates 2016/11/27 (iCal) - 2016/11/30
Homepage: http://iciem-conference.com/
Location: Hammamet, undefined
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Important dates
Submissions: 2106/07/17
Table of Contents

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The 2nd ICIEM 2016, International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development seeks to create a tradition of a bi-annual gatherings of academia, industry and policy makers to build a series of environmental pollution monitoring systems and integrated management strategies. The conference will provide a forum for discussion amongst scientists, professionals and academia in different areas of the broader theme of environmental engineering and sciences. The wealth of information exchanged in this international meeting continues to be of great benefit to all involved in challenging environmental issues caused by the increase of pollutants loads discharged into natural environment ecosystems. Those challenges require the building of a regulatory framework and control strategies. This framework needs to be based on scientific evidence associated with exposure and health risk for pollution prevention and remediation strategies. The application of innovative remedial techniques and new scientific methods is key in order to reach sustainable development. It is therefore crucial to address the existing pollution problems, and protect public health as well as preserve the welfare of the environment.

The application of cost-effective technologies for waste treatment and controls is much needed in order to make possible the implement of appropriate regulatory measures that insure success of broader policy in pollution prevention.

Engineers and scientists working in this field need to be familiar with a wide range of issues including the physical processes of mixing and dispersion, and photochemical and biological developments. Hence, a continuous exchange of information between scientists in different parts of the world is essential.

In recent years, environmental protection has emerged as a requirement that goes beyond the state borders to reach a global dimension. This awareness has resulted in numerous treaties, directives and conventions and even changed the way we do business.

Protection of the environment, one of the pillars of sustainable development, is an absolute priority for the international community. In this context, the 2nd ICIEM conference aims to focus on relevant experiences, up-to-date scientific research and findings carried out all over the world to protect and preserve the environment. In addition, this meeting will allow the exchange of experiences to develop environmental protection strategies and pollution management tools.


Clean technology Marine pollution Biological and Physicochemical treatment Water resources Prevention Strategies Environmental and Health Risk Assessment

Facts about "ICIEM 2016"
AcronymICIEM 2016 +
End dateNovember 30, 2016 +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has location cityHammamet +
Has location countryCategory:Undefined +
Homepagehttp://iciem-conference.com/ +
IsAEvent +
Start dateNovember 27, 2016 +
Submission deadlineJuly 17, 2106 +
TitleICIEM 2016 : International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development +