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|Acronym=IS 2017  
|Acronym=IS 2017  
|Title=IS  2017 : International Conference “Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction”  
|Title=IS  2017 : International Conference “Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction”  
|Field=computer science
|Field=computer science
|Start date=2017/09/25
|Start date=2017/09/25

Latest revision as of 10:34, 8 August 2017

IS 2017
IS 2017 : International Conference “Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction”
Dates 2017/09/25 (iCal) - 2017/09/25
Homepage: http://conf-is.ulstu.ru/en/node/6
Location: Ulyanovsk, Russia
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/08/15
Table of Contents

Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, and other co-organizers invite you to participate in the 12th International Conference on “Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction” (IS-2017), that will take place in Ulyanovsk (Russia) on September 25-27, 2017.

Registration is open at the Conference website until August 15, 2017.

To submit a paper please refer to the Easy Chair conference system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=is20170) or contact the organizing committee at is@ulstu.ru. Papers should be in Springer’s LNCS formats (refer our website for details). Submitted papers will be subject to peer review and evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Paper submission is open up to August 15, 2017.

Due to the established cooperation between the IS-2017 Conference and the journal Information the participants of the event are invited to submit their papers to be published in the journal. “Information” is a fully open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI. It is covered by Scopus (Elsevier), EI Compendex, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-Web of Science). For further information, please, contact the Conference website.

Accepted papers will appear in the Conference proceedings and will be published (with ISBN) at the Conference website, at the university library website and at the social networking site for scientists and researchers ResearchGate.

We hope you can participate in IS-2017 Сonference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research.

At this biennial conference, researchers and practitioners will discuss the latest trends and challenges in AI’s theory and technology, the modern state of the human-computer interaction methods and instruments and their perspectives to develop further.

Some topics (not limited to):

Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Logic Automated Reasoning Reasoning Under Inconsistency Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems Machine Learning Machine Learning and Data Mining Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence Web and Knowledge-based Information Systems Search and Robotics Adaptive Decision Making Knowledge Representation Natural Language Processing User-centered Design Modeling Interaction and Interactive Systems Domain-specific Languages for Interactive Systems Engineering Complex Interactive Systems Processes for Engineering Interactive Systems Requirements Engineering for Interactive Systems Models and Tools for Interacting with Semantic Data and other.

For further information about registration, submission procedure, travel and accommodation, please consult the conference webpage.

We welcome your contribution and look forward to meeting you in Ulyanovsk!

Kind regards, IS-2017 Organizing Committee.

Facts about "IS 2017"
AcronymIS 2017 +
End dateSeptember 25, 2017 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates54° 18' 54", 48° 24' 12"Latitude: 54.315027777778
Longitude: 48.403372222222
Has location cityUlyanovsk +
Has location countryCategory:Russia +
Homepagehttp://conf-is.ulstu.ru/en/node/6 +
IsAEvent +
Start dateSeptember 25, 2017 +
Submission deadlineAugust 15, 2017 +
TitleIS 2017 : International Conference “Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction” +