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|Field=Semantic web
|Field=Linked Dta
|Start date=2018/10/08
|Start date=2018/10/08
|End date=2018/10/12
|End date=2018/10/12
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|has tutorial chair=Elena Demidova, Amrapali Zaveri,
|has tutorial chair=Elena Demidova, Amrapali Zaveri,
|has demo chair=Marieke van Erp, Medha Atre,
|has demo chair=Marieke van Erp, Medha Atre,
|Submitted papers=254
|Accepted papers=64

Latest revision as of 13:52, 4 March 2020

ISWC 2018
17th International Semantic Web Conference
Event in series ISWC
Dates 2018/10/08 (iCal) - 2018/10/12
Homepage: iswc2018.semanticweb.org/
Twitter account: @iswc2018
Location: Monterey, California, USA
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Important dates
Workshops: 2018/01/21
Tutorials: 2018/01/21
Abstracts: 2018/03/30
Papers: 2018/04/06
Posters: 2018/06/08
Demos: 2018/06/08
Submissions: 2018/04/06
Notification: 2018/05/25
Camera ready due: 2018/06/15
Papers: Submitted 254 / Accepted 64 (25.2 %)
General chairs: Elena Simperl
Workshop chairs: Elena Demidova, Amrapali Zaveri
Seminars Chair: Elena Demidova, Amrapali Zaveri
Demo chairs: Marieke van Erp, Medha Atre
Table of Contents
Tweets by @iswc2018

ISWC is the premier venue for presenting innovative systems and research results related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, attracting a large number of high quality submissions every year and participants from both industry and academia. ISWC brings together researchers from different areas, such as artificial intelligence, databases, natural language processing, information systems, human computer interaction, information retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate, develop and use novel methods and technologies for accessing, interpreting and using information on the Web in a more effective way.

Besides the main technical program, ISWC will host several workshops on topics related to the general theme of the conference. The role of the workshops is to provide a setting for focused, intensive scientific exchange among researchers and practitioners interested in a specific topic. As such, workshops are the primary venues for the exploration of emerging ideas as well as for the discussion of novel aspects of established research topics.



All submissions should be submitted in English via EasyChair as a single PDF file not longer than 4 (four) pages containing the following sections:

  • Title and Acronym
  • Workshop Type: established/emerging
  • Abstract: 200 word summary of the workshop purpose
  • Topics: What topics of interest will be covered by the workshop? (Bulleted list; no longer than half a page)
  • Motivation (emerging only): Why is the topic timely and of particular interest to ISWC participants? (One to three paragraphs)
  • Continuation (established only): Why is it worthwhile to continue the workshop in 2018? Discussion may include novel topics that are emerging, external developments that prompt new challenges, etc. Workshops should also argue why they continue to be relevant and maintain a focused identity versus the main conference. (No longer than half a page)
  • Past Workshops (established only): describe the development of the workshop series over the past 3-5 years. Provide quantitative information on submissions and attendance. (No longer than a page)
  • Workshop Format: The intended mix of events, such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demos and general discussion (Either a tabular schedule or a one paragraph summary)
  • Audience (emerging only): Who and how many people are likely to attend? (One paragraph)
  • Community (emerging only): Demonstrate that there is an existing community interested in the topic e.g., by providing references for recent papers related to the core topic of the workshop, and/or a discussion why the workshop would attract submissions. (No longer than half a page)
  • Chair(s): Name, affiliation, email address, homepage and short (one paragraph) biography of each chair, explaining the chair’s expertise in the workshop topic and experience in organising relevant events.
  • Program Committee: Names and affiliations of potential PC members (at least 50% of PC members should have confirmed).
  • Proposed Length: Half-day or full-day?

We strongly advise having more than one chair, preferably from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic, ideally with a mix of both junior and senior researchers. We also strongly advise to have a maximum of five workshop organisers. We welcome workshops with an innovative structure and a diverse programme which attracts various types of contributions and ensures rich interactions. We highly encourage workshops with open review procedure (i.e., publicly available submissions and reviews, non-anonymous reviews). Proposed workshops should have a core theme that is much more selective than the broader scope of the main conference. We may reject or propose to merge workshops that overlap significantly with other workshops in terms of theme. Accepted workshops will be required to prepare a workshop web page containing their call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organisation and timelines. While the ISWC workshop and local chairs will assist with the local organisation of the workshop, the workshop organisers will be responsible for conducting their own reviewing process, for publicity of their workshop, and for publishing electronic proceedings. Workshop attendees must pay the ISWC workshop registration fee as well as the conference registration fee. At least two workshop organisers must be registered before the early registration date ends and ultimately attend the conference and participate in the workshop (the free registration counts towards the two registrations required). At the discretion of the chairs, workshops may be cancelled if organisers have not registered in a timely manner or if a workshop has received too few submissions.’

Important Dates

  • Workshop & Tutorial proposals January 21, 2018
  • Workshop & Tutorial proposals notifications February 15, 2018
  • Abstracts (Research, In-use, and Resource tracks) March 30, 2018
  • Papers (Research, In-use, and Resource tracks) April 6, 2018
  • Doctoral Consortium submissions April 13, 2018
  • Author rebuttal phase May 7-11, 2018
  • Doctoral Consortium notifications May 14, 2018
  • Paper notifications (Research, In-use, and Resource tracks) May 25, 2018
  • Doctoral Consortium camera-ready submissions May 28, 2018
  • Industry papers June 1, 2018
  • Workshop papers June 1, 2018
  • End of Early Registration period June 1, 2018
  • Poster & Demo submissions June 8, 2018
  • Camera-ready papers (Research, In-use, and Resource tracks) June 15, 2018
  • Industry papers notifications June 22, 2018
  • Poster & Demo notifications July 13, 2018
  • Workshop papers notifications July 13, 2018
  • End of Standard Registration period July 15, 2018
  • Industry papers camera-ready papers July 20, 2018
  • Poster & Demo camera-ready submissions July 24, 2018
  • Workshops & Tutorials October 8-9, 2018
  • Main conference October 10-12, 2018


  • General Chair
  • Local Chair
  • In-Use Track Chairs
    • Irene Celino, Research Manager at Cefriel, Italy
    • Marta Sabou, Senior Researcher at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Workshop and Tutorial Chairs
    • Amrapali Zaveri, Postdoctoral Researcher at Maastricht University, Netherlands
    • Elena Demidova, Senior Researcher at the L3S Research Center in Hannover, Germany
  • Poster and Demo Chairs
    • Medha Atre, Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, India
    • Marieke van Erp, Knaw Humanities Cluster, Netherlands
  • Doctoral Consortium Chair
    • Sabrina Kirrane, Postdoctoral Researcher at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
  • Sponsorship Chairs
  • Student Coordinators
    • Bo Fu, Assistant Professor at California State University, Long Beach, USA
    • Anisa Rula, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  • Proceedings Chair
  • Metadata Chair
    • Oana Inel, Student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Publicity Chair
    • Maribel Acosta, Research Associate at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  • Semantic Web Challenge
    • Heiko Paulheim, Professor at University of Mannheim, Germany
  • Local Committee
    • Brigid Neff, Meeting Planner Manager
    • Tania Tudorache, Senior Research Scientist
    • Heidi Wu, Finance Manager
    • Galina Malukhina, Division Manager
    • Mark Musen, Professor
Facts about "ISWC 2018"
Abstract deadlineMarch 30, 2018 +
Acceptance rate25.2 +
Accepted papers64 +
AcronymISWC 2018 +
Camera ready dueJune 15, 2018 +
Demo deadlineJune 8, 2018 +
End dateOctober 12, 2018 +
Event in seriesISWC +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates36° 13' 23", -121° 23' 16"Latitude: 36.223108333333
Longitude: -121.38774166667
Has demo chairMarieke van Erp + and Medha Atre +
Has doctoral consortium chairSabrina Kirrane +
Has general chairElena Simperl +
Has in-use track chairIrene Celino + and Marta Sabou +
Has industry track chairVanessa Lopez + and Kavitha Srinivas +
Has journal chairAbraham Bernstein +, Pascal Hitzler + and Steffen Staab +
Has local chairRafael Gonçalves +
Has location cityMonterey +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateCalifornia +
Has metadata chairOana Inel +
Has proceedings chairLucie-Aimée Kaffee +
Has publicity chairMaribel Acosta +
Has research track chairDenny Vrandečić + and Kalina Bontcheva +
Has resource track chairMari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa + and Valentina Presutti +
Has sponsorship chairLaura Koesten +, Maria Maleshkova + and Annalisa Gentile +
Has student coordinatorsBo Fu + and Anisa Rula +
Has tutorial chairElena Demidova + and Amrapali Zaveri +
Has twitter@iswc2018 +
Has workshop chairElena Demidova + and Amrapali Zaveri +
Homepagehttp://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/ +
IsAEvent +
NotificationMay 25, 2018 +
Paper deadlineApril 6, 2018 +
Poster deadlineJune 8, 2018 +
Start dateOctober 8, 2018 +
Submission deadlineApril 6, 2018 +
Submitted papers254 +
Title17th International Semantic Web Conference +
Tutorial deadlineJanuary 21, 2018 +
Workshop deadlineJanuary 21, 2018 +