Difference between revisions of "DEXA 2020"

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(changed field of the event)
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|Start date=2020/09/14
|Start date=2020/09/14
|End date=2020/09/17
|End date=2020/09/17
|Submission deadline=2020/04/14
|Twitter account=@DEXASociety
|Twitter account=@DEXASociety
|Camera ready=2020/06/19
|Attendance fee currency=€
|Attendance fee currency=€
''Enter your description here. Maybe just paste in the call for papers. More to come as soon as the information goes public.''
==Important Dates==
* Co-Organizers
* General Co-Chairs
** [[has general chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* PC Co-Chairs
** [[has program chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Workshop Chair
** [[has workshop chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Panel Chair
** [[has OC member::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Seminars Chair
** [[has tutorial chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Demonstration Co-Chairs
** [[has demo chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
** [[has demo chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Local Organizing Co-Chairs
** [[has local chair::some person]], some affiliation, country
* Program Committee Members
** [[has PC member::some person]], some affiliation, country

Latest revision as of 08:42, 21 April 2020

DEXA 2020
31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
Event in series DEXA
Dates 2020/09/14 (iCal) - 2020/09/17
Twitter account: @DEXASociety
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Loading map...

Important dates
Submissions: 2020/04/14
Notification: 2020/05/20
Camera ready due: 2020/06/19
Table of Contents
Tweets by @DEXASociety

Facts about "DEXA 2020"
AcronymDEXA 2020 +
Camera ready dueJune 19, 2020 +
End dateSeptember 17, 2020 +
Event in seriesDEXA +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates48° 9' 6", 17° 6' 34"Latitude: 48.1517
Longitude: 17.109305555556
Has location cityBratislava +
Has location countryCategory:Slovakia +
Has twitter@DEXASociety +
IsAEvent +
NotificationMay 20, 2020 +
Start dateSeptember 14, 2020 +
Submission deadlineApril 14, 2020 +
Title31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications +