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Line 21: Line 21:
* genetic algorithms
* genetic algorithms
* genetic programming,
* genetic programming
* evolution strategies
* evolution strategies
* evolutionary programming
* evolutionary programming
* memetic algorithms,
* memetic algorithms
* hyper-heuristics
* hyper-heuristics
* real-world applications
* real-world applications
* evolutionary machine  
* evolutionary machine learning,  
* learning,
* evolvable hardware  
* evolvable hardware
* artificial life
* artificial life
* adaptive behavior  
* adaptive behavior
* antcolony optimization   
* antcolony optimization,  
* swarm intelligence
* swarm intelligence
* biological applications  
* biological applications,
* evolutionary robotics
* evolutionary robotics
* coevolution
* coevolution
* artificial immune systems, and more.  
* artificial immune systems, and more.  

Revision as of 09:57, 20 May 2020

GECCO 2020
Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Event in series GECCO
Dates 2020/07/08 (iCal) - 2020/07/12
Homepage: https://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/index.html/HomePage#footer
Twitter account: https://twitter.com/GeccoConf
Location: Cancún, Mexico
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2020/01/30
Papers: 2020/02/07
Posters: 2020/02/07
Submissions: 2020/02/06
Notification: 2020/03/20
Keynote speaker: Leslie Valiant, Kalyanmoy Deb, Darrell Whitley
Table of Contents
Tweets by https://twitter.com/GeccoConf
">Tweets by {{{Twitter account}}}

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) will present the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary computation.


  • genetic algorithms
  • genetic programming
  • evolution strategies
  • evolutionary programming
  • memetic algorithms
  • hyper-heuristics
  • real-world applications
  • evolutionary machine learning,
  • evolvable hardware
  • artificial life
  • adaptive behavior
  • antcolony optimization
  • swarm intelligence
  • biological applications
  • evolutionary robotics
  • coevolution
  • artificial immune systems, and more.


All papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. For any paper to be accepted into the ACM Digital Library, it must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to ACM SIG formats using official ACM templates. Moreover, papers must adhere to ACM copy-editing rules. Finally, there are specifications of page and word limits imposed by GECCO. This information is detailed in the sections below.

Submission is not yet open. Please come back later.

The Full and Poster-only papers submitted to GECCO will be rigorously reviewed in a double-blind review process and they should be ANONYMIZED. This means that they should NOT contain any element that may reveal the identity of their authors. This includes author names, affiliations, and acknowledgments. Moreover, any references to any of the author's own work should be made as if the work belonged to someone else.

Important Dates

Full papers (traditional category): Abstract Deadline: January 30, 2020
Submission of Full Papers: February 7, 2020

Poster-only papers: Submission of Poster-only papers: February 7, 2020

Facts about "GECCO 2020"
Abstract deadlineJanuary 30, 2020 +
AcronymGECCO 2020 +
End dateJuly 12, 2020 +
Event in seriesGECCO +
Event typeConference +
Has Keynote speakerLeslie Valiant +, Kalyanmoy Deb + and Darrell Whitley +
Has coordinates21° 9' 10", -86° 50' 33"Latitude: 21.152747222222
Longitude: -86.842575
Has location cityCancún +
Has location countryCategory:Mexico +
Has twitterhttps://twitter.com/GeccoConf +
Homepagehttps://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/index.html/HomePage#footer +
IsAEvent +
NotificationMarch 20, 2020 +
Paper deadlineFebruary 7, 2020 +
Poster deadlineFebruary 7, 2020 +
Start dateJuly 8, 2020 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 7, 2020 + and February 6, 2020 +
TitleConference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation +