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|Start date=2016
|Acronym=CAV 2016
|Acronym=CAV 2016
|Title=Computer Aided Verification
|Accepted papers=46
|Field=Computer-Aided Verification
|Start date=2016/07/17
|End date=2016/07/23
|Field=Computer-Aided Verification
|Submitted papers=165
|Accepted papers=46
|has Proceedings Link=https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319415277

Latest revision as of 16:10, 9 February 2021

CAV 2016
Computer Aided Verification
Ordinal 28
Event in series CAV
Dates 2016/07/17 (iCal) - 2016/07/23
Homepage: http://i-cav.org/2016/
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Loading map...

Papers: Submitted 165 / Accepted 46 (27.9 %)
Table of Contents

Facts about "CAV 2016"
Acceptance rate27.9 +
Accepted papers46 +
AcronymCAV 2016 +
End dateJuly 23, 2016 +
Event in seriesCAV +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates43° 39' 13", -79° 23' 2"Latitude: 43.653480555556
Longitude: -79.383933333333
Has location cityToronto +
Has location countryCategory:Canada +
Has location stateOntario +
Homepagehttp://i-cav.org/2016/ +
IsAEvent +
Ordinal28 +
Start dateJuly 17, 2016 +
Submitted papers165 +
TitleComputer Aided Verification +