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Contributions may, for example, contribute to this theme by focusing on the Supporting Device Technologies underlying interactive systems (mobile devices, home entertainment centers, haptic devices, wall screen displays, information kiosks, holographic displays, fog screens, distributed smart sensors, immersive screens and wearable devices), on the Intelligent Computational Technologies used to build the interactive systems, or by discussing the Interactive Applications for Entertainment themselves.
Contributions may, for example, contribute to this theme by focusing on the Supporting Device Technologies underlying interactive systems (mobile devices, home entertainment centers, haptic devices, wall screen displays, information kiosks, holographic displays, fog screens, distributed smart sensors, immersive screens and wearable devices), on the Intelligent Computational Technologies used to build the interactive systems, or by discussing the Interactive Applications for Entertainment themselves.
== Journal Special Issue ==
As i truly delight in the thgnis you publish right here. Really unusual and even brilliant. 1 distress but. I’m operating Ie through Debian and even pieces from your up-to-date design articles is a modest wonky. As i notice it’s a fantastic standard place together. Still it’s a modest something to help you maintain in the mind. As i wish going without shoes may allow and even keep the finest high-quality authoring.
In addition to the Springer LNICST proceedings, there are two journals willing to publish selections of the best papers of INTETAIN 2009 in a special issue: Entertainment Computing (editors in chief R. Nakatsu and M. Rauterberg) and the International Journal of Arts and Technology (editor in chief A. Vasilakos). 
== Invited Speakers ==
The conference will host several invited talks. Among the invited speakers are Prof. Dr. Antonio Camurri and Prof. Dr. Matthias Rauterberg.
== Topics ==
We seek novel, revolutionary, and exciting work in areas including but not limited to:
=== Supporting Technology ===
* New hardware technology for interaction and entertainment
* Novel sensors and displays
* Haptic devices
* Wearable devices
=== Intelligent Computational Technologies ===
* Animation and Virtual Characters
* Holographic Interfaces
* Adaptive Multimodal Presentations
* Creative language environments
* Affective User Interfaces
* Intelligent Speech Interfaces
* Tele-presence in Entertainment
* (Collaborative) User Models and Group Behavior
* Collaborative and virtual Environments
* Brain Computer Interaction
* Cross Domain User Models
* Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
* Computer Graphics & Multimedia
* Pervasive Multimedia
* Robots
* Computational humor
=== Interactive Applications for Entertainment ===
* Intelligent Interactive Games
* Emergent games
* Human Music Interaction
* Interactive Cinema
* Edutainment
* Urban Gaming
* Interactive Art
* Interactive Museum Guides
* Evaluation
* City and Tourism Explorers Assistants
* Shopping Assistants
* Interactive Real TV
* Interactive Social Networks
* Interactive Story Telling
* Personal Diaries, Websites and Blogs
* Comprehensive assisting environments for special populations
    (handicapped, children, elderly)
* Exertion games
INTETAIN 09 accepts long papers and short poster papers as well as demo proposals accompanied by a two page extended abstract. Accepted long and short papers will be published in the new Springer series LNICST: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. There are two different journals willing to publish a special issue devoted to the conference, as happened previously for the 2005 edition of the Intetain conference. The choice of journal will be announced here shortly, but it is already certain there will be a special issue devoted to Intetain 2009 that will publish a selection of the best papers.  
INTETAIN 09 accepts long papers and short poster papers as well as demo proposals accompanied by a two page extended abstract. Accepted long and short papers will be published in the new Springer series LNICST: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. There are two different journals willing to publish a special issue devoted to the conference, as happened previously for the 2005 edition of the Intetain conference. The choice of journal will be announced here shortly, but it is already certain there will be a special issue devoted to Intetain 2009 that will publish a selection of the best papers.  
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Submissions should adhere to the LNICST instructions for authors, available from the INTETAIN 09 web site.
Submissions should adhere to the LNICST instructions for authors, available from the INTETAIN 09 web site.
=== Long papers ===
That's a cunning asnwer to a challenging question
Submissions of a maximum of 12 pages that describe original research work not submitted or published elsewhere. Long papers will be orally presented at the conference.
=== Short papers ===
Submissions of a maximum of 6 pages that describe original research work not submitted or published elsewhere. Short papers will be presented with a poster during the demo and poster session at the conference.
=== Demos ===
Researchers are invited to submit proposals for demonstrations to be held during a special demo and poster session at the INTETAIN 09. For more information, see the Call for Demos below. Demo proposals may either be accompanied by a long or short paper submission, or by a two page extended abstract describing the demo. The extended abstracts will be published in a supplementary proceedings distributed during the conference.
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We actively seek proposals from both industry and academia for interactive demos to be held during a dedicated session at the conference. Demos may accompany a long or short paper. Also, demos may be submitted at a later deadline instead, with a short, two page extended abstract explaining the demo and showing why the demo would be a worthwhile contribution for the INTETAIN 09's demo session.
We actively seek proposals from both industry and academia for interactive demos to be held during a dedicated session at the conference. Demos may accompany a long or short paper. Also, demos may be submitted at a later deadline instead, with a short, two page extended abstract explaining the demo and showing why the demo would be a worthwhile contribution for the INTETAIN 09's demo session.
=== Format ===
There is a critical shortage of informative arcitels like this.
Demo submissions should be accompanied by the following additional information:
* A short description of the setup and demo (2 paragraphs)
* Requirements (hardware, power, network, space,
    sound conditions, etc, time needed for setup)
* A sketch or photo of the setup
Videos showing the demonstration setup in action are very welcome.
=== Review ===
Demo proposals will be reviewed by a review team that will take into account aspects such as novelty, relevance to the conference, coverage of topics and available resources.
=== Topics ===
* Topics for demo submissions include, but are not limited to:
* New technology for interaction and entertainment
* (serious) gaming
* New entertainment applications
* Human Music Interaction
* Music technology
* Edutainment
* Exertion interfaces
* [[has PC member::Stefan Agamanolis]],  Distance Lab, Forres, UK
* [[has PC member::Elisabeth Andre]],  Augsburg University, Germany
* [[has PC member::Lora Aroyo]],  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Tilde Bekker]],  University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Regina Bernhaupt]],  University of Salzburg, Austria
* [[has PC member::Mark Billinghurst]],  HIT Lab, New Zealand
* [[has PC member::Kim Binsted ]],  University of Hawai, USA
* [[has PC member::Tony Brooks]],  Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
* [[has PC member::Andreas Butz]],  University of Munich, Germany
* [[has PC member::Yang Cai]],  Visual Intelligence Studio, CYLAB, Carnegie Mellon, USA
* [[has PC member::Antonio Camurri]],  University of Genoa, Italy
* [[has PC member::Marc Cavazza]],  University of Teesside, UK
* [[has PC member::Tat-Jen Cham Nanyang]],  Technological University, Singapore
* [[has PC member::Keith Cheverst]],  University of Lancaster, UK
* [[has PC member::Drew Davidson]],  CMU, Pittsburgh, USA
* [[has PC member::Berry Eggen]],  University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Arjan Egges]],  University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Anton Eliens]],  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Ben Falchuk]],  Telcordia Technologies, Piscataway, USA
* [[has PC member::Steven Feiner]],  Columbia University, New York
* [[has PC member::Alois Ferscha]],  University of Linz, Austria
* [[has PC member::Matthew Flagg]],  Georgia Tech, USA
* [[has PC member::Jaap van den Herik]],  University of Tilburg, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Dirk Heylen]],  University of Twente, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Helmut Hlavacs]],  University of Vienna, Austria
* [[has PC member::Catholijn Jonker]],  Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Frank Kresin]],  Waag Society, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Antonio Krueger]],  University of Muenster, Germany
* [[has PC member::Tsvi Kuflik]],  University of Haifa, Israel
* [[has PC member::Markus Lueckelt]],  DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany
* [[has PC member::Evert van Loenen]],  Philips, Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Henry Lowood]],  University of Stanford, USA
* [[has PC member::Maic Masuch]],  University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany
* [[has PC member::Mark Maybury]],  MITRE, Boston, USA
* [[has PC member::Oscar Mayora]],  Create-Net Research Consortium, Italy
* [[has PC member::John-Jules Meijer]],  University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Louis-Philippe Morency]],  Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, USA
* [[has PC member::Florian 'Floyd' Mueller]],  University of Melbourne, Australia
* [[has PC member::Patrick Olivier]],  University of Newcastle, UK
* [[has PC member::Paolo Petta]],  Medical University of Vienna, Austria
* [[has PC member::Fabio Pianesi]],  ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
* [[has PC member::Helmut Prendinger]],  National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
* [[has PC member::Matthias Rauterberg]],  University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Charles Rich]],  Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
* [[has PC member::Mark Riedl]],  School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
* [[has PC member::Isaac Rudomin]],  Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico
* [[has PC member::Ulrike Spierling]],  FH/University of Applied Sciences, Germany
* [[has PC member::Pieter Spronck]],  University of Tilburg, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Oliviero Stock]],  ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
* [[has PC member::Carlo Strapparava]],  ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
* [[has PC member::Bill Swartout]],  Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, USA
* [[has PC member::Mariet Theune]],  University of Twente, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Thanos Vasilakos]],  University of Western Macedonia, Greece
* [[has PC member::Sean White]],  Columbia University, USA
* [[has PC member::Woontack Woo Gwangju]],  Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
* [[has PC member::Wijnand IJsselstein]],  University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands
* [[has PC member::Massimo Zancanaro]],  ITC-irst, Trento, Italy
[[Category:Computer science]]
Never seen a bteter post! ICOCBW

Latest revision as of 00:46, 14 October 2012

The 3rd International ICST Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
Dates 2009/06/22 (iCal) - 2009/06/24
Homepage: intetain.org
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Loading map...

Important dates
Submissions: 2009/02/20
Camera ready due: 2009/03/30
Table of Contents

Intetain 2009, Amsterdam, 22-24th June 2009 Third International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment



Sponsored by ICST


The Human Media Interaction (HMI) department of the University of Twente in the Netherlands and the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST) are pleased to announce the Third International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment to be held on June 22-24, 2009 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

INTETAIN 09 intends to stimulate interaction among academic researchers and commercial developers of interactive entertainment systems. We are seeking long (full) and short (poster) papers as well as proposals for interactive demos. In addition, the conference organisation aims at an interactive hands-on session along the lines of the Design Garage that was held at INTETAIN 2005. Individuals who want to organise special sessions during INTETAIN 09 may contact the General Chair, Anton Nijholt (a.nijholt@ewi.utwente.nl).

The global theme of this third edition of the international conference is “Playful interaction, with others and with the environment”.

Contributions may, for example, contribute to this theme by focusing on the Supporting Device Technologies underlying interactive systems (mobile devices, home entertainment centers, haptic devices, wall screen displays, information kiosks, holographic displays, fog screens, distributed smart sensors, immersive screens and wearable devices), on the Intelligent Computational Technologies used to build the interactive systems, or by discussing the Interactive Applications for Entertainment themselves.

As i truly delight in the thgnis you publish right here. Really unusual and even brilliant. 1 distress but. I’m operating Ie through Debian and even pieces from your up-to-date design articles is a modest wonky. As i notice it’s a fantastic standard place together. Still it’s a modest something to help you maintain in the mind. As i wish going without shoes may allow and even keep the finest high-quality authoring.


INTETAIN 09 accepts long papers and short poster papers as well as demo proposals accompanied by a two page extended abstract. Accepted long and short papers will be published in the new Springer series LNICST: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. There are two different journals willing to publish a special issue devoted to the conference, as happened previously for the 2005 edition of the Intetain conference. The choice of journal will be announced here shortly, but it is already certain there will be a special issue devoted to Intetain 2009 that will publish a selection of the best papers.

Submissions should adhere to the LNICST instructions for authors, available from the INTETAIN 09 web site.

That's a cunning asnwer to a challenging question


EXTENDED Submission deadline: Friday, Februar 20, 2009

Notification: Monday, March 16, 2009

Camera ready submission deadline: Monday, March 30, 2009

Late demo submission deadline (extended abstract only!): Monday, March 30, 2009

Conference: June 22-24, 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


General Program Chair: Anton Nijholt, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Local Chair: Dennis Reidsma, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Web Master and Publication Chair: Hendri Hondorp, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, the Netherlands

ICST Conference Coordinator: Maria Morozova, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Steering Committee Chair: Imrich Chlamtac, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Trento, Italy

Sponsors: Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Game Research for Training and Entertainment (national GATE project, Netherlands)

Technical Sponsor: Center for REsearch And Telecommunication Experimentation for NETworked communities


We actively seek proposals from both industry and academia for interactive demos to be held during a dedicated session at the conference. Demos may accompany a long or short paper. Also, demos may be submitted at a later deadline instead, with a short, two page extended abstract explaining the demo and showing why the demo would be a worthwhile contribution for the INTETAIN 09's demo session.

There is a critical shortage of informative arcitels like this.

Never seen a bteter post! ICOCBW

Facts about "INTETAIN 2009"
AcronymINTETAIN 2009 +
Camera ready dueMarch 30, 2009 +
End dateJune 24, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates52° 22' 23", 4° 53' 33"Latitude: 52.373080555556
Longitude: 4.8924527777778
Has location cityAmsterdam +
Has location countryCategory:The Netherlands +
Homepagehttp://intetain.org +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJune 22, 2009 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 20, 2009 +
TitleThe 3rd International ICST Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment +