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Super jazzed about gettnig that know-how.
| Acronym = SRL 2009
| Title = International Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning
| Type = Workshop
| Series =
| Field = Machine learning
| Homepage = www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dtai/sim
| Start date = Jul 2, 2009
| End date =  Jul 4, 2009
| City= Leuven
| State =
| Country =  Belgium
| Abstract deadline =
| Submission deadline = Apr 3, 2009
| Notification =
| Camera ready = May 29, 2009
    * SRL-2009 - International Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning
    * ILP-2009 - 19th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
    * MLG-2009 - 7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs
In 2009, three international conferences / workshops on learning from relational, graph-based and probabilistic knowledge will be co-located: ILP-2009, the 19th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming; MLG-2009, the 7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs; and SRL-2009, the International Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning.
These events are held in Leuven, Belgium, on July 2-4, 2009. Time and location are highly compatible with the KDD-2009 conference in Paris, June 28 - July 1, at only 2 hours train travel from Leuven.
The ILP conference series has been the premier forum for work on logic-based approaches to learning for almost two decades. It has recently reached out to other forms of relational learning and to probabilistic approaches.
The MLG workshop series focuses on graph-based approaches to machine learning and data mining; since its conception in 2003, attendance numbers have consistently increased, and it now enjoys worldwide recognition.
The SRL workshop series focuses on statistical inference and learning with relational and first-order logical representations. The combination of probability theory with relational (or first-order logic) knowledge representations has been the subject of much recent research.
While the three series clearly have their own identity, there is a significant overlap in the topics covered by each of them. The aim of this colocation is to increase interaction between the three communities. The format of the joint event will stimulate such interaction by providing joint invited speakers and tutorials, joint sessions and poster sessions, and ample time and space for discussions in smaller groups, in addition to the regular programs of the three events.
Detailed calls for papers for the respective workshops, including submission instructions, are or will become available at http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dtai/sim/
Submissions to the events will be in the form of extended abstracts which can be accepted for either an oral or a poster presentation. The abstracts will be made available in an informal way (though more formal post-conference publications are being considered as well, such as a post-conference proceedings for ILP and possibly special issues of journals for all events, more precise information on this will become available at the website). As it is the goal that the very best work in the area be presented at the events, authors are explicitly encouraged to submit extended abstracts of high quality work in the area that has recently been accepted or published at key venues.
    * April 3 Deadline for paper / abstract submissions
    * April 30 Notification
    * May 29 Deadline for camera ready copies
    * July 2-4 Conference
    * ILP Program Chair: Luc De Raedt
    * SRL Program Chairs: Pedro Domingos, Kristian Kersting
    * MLG Program Chairs: Hendrik Blockeel, Karsten Borgwardt, Xifeng Yan
    * General chair: Luc De Raedt
</pre>This CfP was obtained from [http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=4379&amp;copyownerid=2 WikiCFP]

Latest revision as of 01:51, 30 August 2011

Super jazzed about gettnig that know-how.