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MegaSpiderman333 /     i am racing the 2011 zx10r not much defcerinfe i truelly dont like the abs braking and the rev limiter sucks and #1 con is tires first and foremost change out immediately dunlop Q2S . you can adjust the gearing i changed my setup to vortec reverse shifting and as always the rearend is very loose ( for those who owned the zx10r you know what im talking about) not to hip on the exhaust switch to full race duel exhaust. if your racing the bike the electronics are ok (power commander) RIDE HARD
|Acronym=ISMM 2010
|Title=International Symposium on Memory Management 2010
|Field=Programming languages
|Start date=2010/06/05
|End date=2010/07/06
|Abstract deadline=2010/02/03
|Paper deadline=2010/02/09
|Camera ready=2010/04/02
International Symposium on Memory Management 2010
Toronto, June 5-6, 2010
ISMM is a forum for research in memory management. Areas of interest include
but are not limited to:
* Memory allocation and deallocation
* Garbage collection algorithms and implementations
* Compiler analyses and tools to aid memory management
* Empirical analysis of heap intensive programs
* Formal analysis and verification of heap intensive programs
* Memory system design and analysis
* Verification of memory management algorithms
* Development and evaluation of open source implementations
ISMM solicits full-length submissions covering new work on these topics, as
well as papers presenting confirmations or refutations of important prior
results. Surveys and comparative analyses that shed new light on previously
published techniques are also welcome.
General Chair: Jan Vitek, Purdue University
Program Chair: Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego
Program Committee:
* [[has PC member::Hans Boehm]], HP Labs
* [[has PC member::Cliff Click]], Azul Systems
* [[has PC member::David Detlefs]], Microsoft Research
* [[has PC member::Dave Dice]], Sun Microsystems
* [[has PC member::Christine Flood]], Sun Microsystems
* [[has PC member::Daniel Frampton]], Australian National University
* [[has PC member::Samir Genaim]], Complutense University of Madrid
* [[has PC member::Richard Jones]], University of Kent
* [[has PC member::Simon Marlow]], Microsoft Research
* [[has PC member::Nick Mitchell]], IBM T.J. Watson Research
* [[has PC member::Filip Pizlo]], Purdue University
* [[has PC member::Martin Vechev]], IBM T.J. Watson Research
* [[has PC member::Adam Welc]], Intel
Abstracts due: February 3, 2010
Submissions due: February 9, 2010
Author response: March 9-11, 2010
Notification: March 19, 2010
Final copy: April 2, 2010
Conference: June 5-6, 2010
Submitted papers must be in English and formatted to print on US Letter (8.5 x
11 inches) paper. Submissions must contain an abstract and postal and electronic
mailing addresses for at least one contact author. All papers must be submitted
on-line, preferably in Portable Document Format (PDF), although the submission
system will also accept PostScript. Submissions should be no more than 10 pages
(including bibliography, excluding well marked appendices) in standard ACM
SIGPLAN conference format: two columns, nine-point font (or larger) on a
ten-point baseline (or larger), with columns 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in)
tall, and a column gutter of 2pc (0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines along
with formatting templates or style files for LaTeX are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm. Papers that violate these
guidelines will be rejected by the program chair. Program committee members are
not required to read appendices, and so a paper should be intelligible without
them. All accepted papers will appear in the published proceedings.
=== Double-blind reviewing ===
Authors are anonymous to the reviewers, just as reviewers are anonymous to the
authors. Authors must take reasonable efforts not to disclose their identities
to reviewers: Do not give your names nor mention your institution, research
group or project name. Where necessary for flow, a stand-in name such as "XYZ",
may be used, with a footnote explaining that the actual name is withheld.
Discuss your own prior work in the third person, as you would other related
work. You may also provide reviewers with anonymous auxiliary material such as
proofs and source code via the PC Chair (see below). Reviewers, for their part,
will be honor-bound not to try to discover authors' identities until their
initial reviews are complete. Authors' identities will be revealed at a later
point in the program committee's deliberations, but will be known only to the
program chair until that point.
=== Review committee ===
ISMM uses a separate Review Committee (RC) as part of the reviewing process. The
RC complements the Program Committee (PC) by providing expert reviews. The same
reviewing standards apply to the RC as for the PC. However, RC members review
only a few papers each, and do not participate in the PC meeting. The use of the
RC increases the breadth and depth of the reviewer pool.
=== Rebuttal ===
The rebuttal process will occur in early March 2010, and will give the authors
opportunity to respond succinctly to factual errors in reviews, before the
program committee meets to make its decisions. The committee may, but need not,
respond to rebuttals or revise reviews at or after the committee meeting.
=== Auxiliary Material ===
Authors may provide the PC Chair with a URL for upload of auxiliary material.
The URL itself will not be seen by reviewers. The authors may reference such
material in their paper, noting that the material has been made available to the
PC Chair. This facility may be used by authors to provide reviewers with useful
information beyond the scope of the submitted paper, such as technical reports,
proofs, and source code, without disclosing the authors' identity. Authors are
obliged to make reasonable efforts to make all auxiliary material suitably
anonymous. Authors are reminded that reviewers are under no obligation to read
any auxiliary material.
Papers accompanied by or based on open-source implementations are especially
welcome. However, if the authors are primary contributors to such a project,
they should provide source URLs separately to the Program Chair for validation,
and not list them in the submission proper.
=== Proceedings ===
The proceedings will be published by the ACM. Authors should read the ACM Author
Guidelines and related information. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee
that their paper will be presented at the conference. For additional information
please feel free to contact the Program Chair.

Latest revision as of 04:42, 22 May 2012

MegaSpiderman333 / i am racing the 2011 zx10r not much defcerinfe i truelly dont like the abs braking and the rev limiter sucks and #1 con is tires first and foremost change out immediately dunlop Q2S . you can adjust the gearing i changed my setup to vortec reverse shifting and as always the rearend is very loose ( for those who owned the zx10r you know what im talking about) not to hip on the exhaust switch to full race duel exhaust. if your racing the bike the electronics are ok (power commander) RIDE HARD