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★ Publication
★ Publication
Like previous conference, submitted papers will be reviewed by 2-3 peer reviewers. And accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted for Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), etc.
Like previous conference, submitted papers will be reviewed by 2-3 peer reviewers. And accepted and presented papers will be recommended to one of the following publications:
Option 1
The registered and presented papers which are related to materials will be published into  Key Engineering Materials (ISSN print 1013-9826; ISSN cd 1662-9809; ISSN web 1662-9795) , which will be submitted for Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Inspec, CAS, EBSCO index, etc.
Option 2
The registered and presented papers which are not related to materials will be published into Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN print 1660-9336, ISSN cd 2297-8941, ISSN web 1662-7482) , which will be submitted for Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO index, etc.
★★Conference Schedule★★
★★Conference Schedule★★

Revision as of 08:42, 12 January 2022

ICEIM 2022
11th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials
Ordinal 11th
"th" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 11.
Dates 2022/06/10 (iCal) - 2022/06/12
Homepage: http://www.iceim.org/
Submitting link: http://www.iceim.org/sub.html
Location: Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
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Important dates
Submissions: 2022/02/01
Registration link: http://www.iceim.org/reg guide.html
Table of Contents

★ Publication Like previous conference, submitted papers will be reviewed by 2-3 peer reviewers. And accepted and presented papers will be recommended to one of the following publications: Option 1 The registered and presented papers which are related to materials will be published into Key Engineering Materials (ISSN print 1013-9826; ISSN cd 1662-9809; ISSN web 1662-9795) , which will be submitted for Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Inspec, CAS, EBSCO index, etc.

Option 2 The registered and presented papers which are not related to materials will be published into Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN print 1660-9336, ISSN cd 2297-8941, ISSN web 1662-7482) , which will be submitted for Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO index, etc.

★★Conference Schedule★★ June 10, 2022 | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm: Sign-in and Materials Collection June 11, 2022 | 9:00 am - 12:10 pm: Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches June 11, 2022 | 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Invited Speeches & Technical Sessions for Authors' Presentations June 12, 2022 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm: Invited Speech & Technical Sessions for Authors' Presentations

★Conference Venue Oriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station Address: 4-23 Hakata-eki Chuo-gai, Hakata District, Fukuoka, Japan

★★Contact Ms. Mirror Ding (Conference Secretary) Email: iceim_conf@vip.163.com Tel: +86-13258-11111-7

Facts about "ICEIM 2022"
AcronymICEIM 2022 +
End dateJune 12, 2022 +
Event typeConference +
Has Submitting linkhttp://www.iceim.org/sub.html +
Has coordinates33° 35' 24", 130° 24' 6"Latitude: 33.5899
Longitude: 130.40175
Has location cityFukuoka +
Has location countryCategory:Japan +
Has location stateFukuoka +
Homepagehttp://www.iceim.org/ +
IsAEvent +
Registration linkhttp://www.iceim.org/reg guide.html +
Start dateJune 10, 2022 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 1, 2022 +
Title11th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials +