FCT 2015

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FCT 2015
20th Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Ordinal 20
Event in series FCT
Dates 2015/08/17 (iCal) - 2015/08/19
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/fct2015gdansk/
Location: Gdansk, Poland
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Organizers: Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdansk University
General chairs: Pawel Zylinski
PC chairs: Adrian Kosowski, Igor Walukiewicz
Keynote speaker: Peter Widmayer, Marek Karpinski, Antonin Kucera, Claus-Peter Schnorr
Table of Contents

The 20th Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2015



   algorithm design and optimization
   approximation, randomized, and heuristic methods
   circuits and boolean functions
   combinatorics and analysis of algorithms
   computational algebra
   computational complexity
   computational geometry
   online algorithms
   streaming algorithms
   distributed and parallel computing

Formal methods:

   algebraic and categorical methods
   automata and formal languages
   computability and nonstandard computing models
   database theory
   foundations of concurrency and distributed systems
   logics and model checking
   models of reactive, hybrid and stochastic systems
   principles of programming languages
   program analysis and transformation
   specification, refinement and verification
   type systems

Emerging fields:

   ad hoc, dynamic and evolving systems
   algorithmic game theory
   computational biology
   foundations of cloud computing and ubiquitous systems
   quantum information and quantum computing


Submissions must be made electronically via the EasyChair website in PDF format and consist of the following elements:

  • a cover page containing: the title of the paper, the names and affiliations of all the authors, and an abstract of at least one paragraph detailing the main contributions of the paper,
  • a self-contained exposition of the contribution of the paper of at most 11 pages' length (excluding the cover page and references) in A4 format, typeset in at least 11pt font, with standard line spacing and reasonable page margins.

It is expected that the full version of each submitted paper should be ready at the time of submission. Any proofs or additional material which do not fit into the submission page limit must be provided in a clearly marked Appendix, to be read at the discretion of the Program Committee. Alternatively, authors can provide a full version of their paper in the Appendix, or upload the full version of the paper to a public repository (such as arXiv or hal) and provide the appropriate reference within the EasyChair submission.

Important Dates