ISSTA 2009
Earthquake Kits| Something Like This Might Happen
All kinds of kits should be prepared at home, from Earthquake Kits to hurricane kits. You should always be prepared to avoid the danger of your life being threatened by mother nature. The kits may contain different things like: food, water, blankets, clothing and other more things needed for survival. Disaster might come and go in unexpected times, so better prepare yourself than suffer in case a disaster comes in to our lives.
If you want to buy emergency kits, you could always purchase them online. The cost might be a little high than what you expect but there should be not greater cost than the lives of you and your family. Imagine if you cannot prepare and your family is so scared to death because you did not prepare anything for a disaster, starving in the darkest place of your house. That would be pretty sad if something like that would happen. If you think that the kits sold online are so expensive, you could always just make your own kit. Actually, most people prefer to make their own kit but for those who are too busy to even lift a finger for a kit, they just order one online.
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Important dates
- November 15, 2008: Workshop proposal submission deadline
- January 30, 2009: Research paper submission deadline (23:59 Apia time)
- Updated: Monday, February 2, 2009: Research paper submission deadline (23:59 Apia time)
- April 5, 2009: Research paper acceptance notifications
- May 5, 2009: Camera-ready copy due
Conference organization
- General chair: Gregg Rothermel, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
- Program chair: Laura Dillon, Michigan State University, USA
- PC Meeting Facilitator: Tao Xie, North Carolina State University, USA
- Webmaster: Yi Huang, Michigan State University, USA
Program committee
- Jamie Andrews, University of Western Ontario, CA
- George Avrunin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
- Victor Braberman, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Tevfik Bultan, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
- Juergen Dingel, Queen's University, CA
- Phyllis Frankl, Polytechnic University of New York University, USA
- Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, USA
- Darko Marinov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Phil McMinn, University of Sheffield, UK
- Aditya Nori, Microsoft Research India, India
- Alessandro Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Mauro Pezze, University of Lugano, Switzerland and University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
- Zhendong Su, University of California, Davis, USA
- Paolo Tonella, FBK-IRST, Italy
- Willem Visser, SEVEN Networks, USA
- Tao Xie, North Carolina State University, USA
- Eran Yahav, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
- Xiangyu Zhang, Purdue University, USA