ICMT 2009

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ICMT 2009
International Conference on Model Transformation
Dates Jun 29, 2009 (iCal) - Jul 3, 2009
Homepage: www.model-transformation.org/ICMT2009/
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
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Important dates
Submissions: Jan 29, 2009
Notification: Mar 20, 2009
Camera ready due: Apr 6, 2009
Table of Contents

Modelling is now essential for dealing with the complexity of IT systems during their development and maintenance processes. Models allow engineers to precisely capture rele-vant aspects of a system from a given perspective and at an appropriate level of abstraction. As models grow in use for developing IT systems, transformations between models grow in importance. Model transformations allow the defini-tion and implementation of operations on models, and also provide a chain that enables the automated development of a system from its corresponding models. Furthermore, model transformations may also be realized using models, and are, therefore, an integral part of any model-driven approach.

There are already several proposals for model transformation specification, implementation, and execution, which are beginning to be used by Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) practitioners. However, model transformations require specialized support in order to realize their full potential: we also must understand their foundations, their semantics, and their structuring mechanisms and properties (e.g., modularity, composability, and parameterization). We should find effective and efficient ways to treat transformations as first-class assets in MDE, allowing them to be stored, managed, discovered and reused. There is also a need to chain and combine model transformations in order to produce new and more powerful transformations, and to be able to implement new operations on models. Finally, model transformations must have methodology support, i.e., they need to be integrated into software development methodologies supported by appropriate tools and environments.

After the success of the inaugural Conference on Model Transformations in 2008, ICMT 2009 will bring together researchers and practitioners to share experiences in using model transformations. ICMT 2009 combines a strong practical focus with theoretical approaches required in any discipline that supports engineering practices. Of particular interest to the organisers of ICMT 2009 are papers that describe challenges for model transformation technology, e.g., large-scale experiments in transformation, or problems that are thought to be difficult in model transformation.

ICMT 2009 will be held at the ETH premises in Zurich, Switzerland, and will host invited talks, technical sessions, and panels. As a working conference, ICMT 2009 will foster the interactions between the participants, stimulating lively debates and discussions around the topics of interest of the conference.

ICMT 2009 participants will explore the practical problems of existing languages, tools, and environments for transforming models, and discuss the new challenges ahead. In particular, the conference will address questions about the nature and features of model transformations, their composability and combination to build new model transformations and implement high-level model management operations (e.g., merge, refinement, realization, union, difference and comparison). The conference will also address issues related to the classification of languages for expressing transformations, the measurement of the quality and extra-functional requirements of model transformations (e.g., scalability, robustness, adaptability, reusability), and the definition of development methodologies that allow exploiting all their potential benefits. A special interest of the conference is on the relationships between model transformation theory and tools, and transformations in other domains, e.g., data transformation, program transformation. Papers that relate model transformation to other domains are particularly welcome.


Contributions are solicited on all aspects of model transformation foundations, practices and technologies. In particular, we encourage submissions from both academia and industry about the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:

    * Languages for model transformations
    * Scalability and reuse of model transformations
    * Domain-specific and concern-oriented modelling with model transformations
    * Semantics and formal aspects of model transformations
    * Implementation of model transformation engines
    * Model transformations in Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) and other model-driven approaches
    * Model-driven code generation and other generative techniques using a model transformation approach
    * Model query languages as related to model transformation concerns
    * Higher-level transformations, transformation operators
    * Model merging, weaving and composition
    * Maintenance and evolution of model transformations
    * Model-driven development methodologies, approaches, and languages with a focus on transformations
    * Tools and environments for model-driven development with transformations
    * Case studies, novel applications, and industrial experiences reporting on success or failure with model transformations
    * Relationship between model transformation and other domains and technologies, e.g., data transformation, program transformation, and aspect orientation.

Program Chair

Richard Paige
U York (UK)

Steering Committee

Jean Bezivin
U Nantes/INRIA (France)

Jeff Gray
U Alabama at Birmingham (USA)

Alfonso Pierantonio
U L'Aquila (Italy)

Antonio Vallecillo
U Malaga (Spain)

Program Committee

Andreas Rummler

Andreas Winter
U Koblenz (D)

Andy Schürr
TU Darmstadt (D)

Bernhard Rumpe
TU Braunschweig (D)

Bran Selic
Independent Consultant (CAN)

Charles Consel

Daniel Varro
U Budapest (H)

Davide Di Ruscio
U L'Aquila (I)

Dimitrios Kolovos
U York (UK)

Ed Willink
Thales Research (UK)

Esperanza Marcos
U. Rey Juan Carlos (E)

Francisco Parisi-Presicce
U Rome "La Sapienza" (I)

Frédéric Jouault

Gabriele Taentzer
Philipps-U. Marburg (D)

Gerti Kappel
TU Vienna (A)

Gregor Engels
U Paderborn (D)

Günter Kniesel
U Bonn (D)

Hans Vangheluwe
McGill University (CAN)

Howard Ho
IBM Almaden Research (USA)

Ivan Kurtev
U Twente (ML)

Ivan Porres
Åbo Akademi (FIN)

Jean-Marie Favre
U Grenoble (F)

Jens Weber
U Victoria (CAN)

Jesús García-Molina
U Murcia (E)

Jim Steel
U Queensland (AUS)

Jon Whittle
U Lancaster (UK)

Jordi Cabot
Open Univ. of Catalonia (E)

Laurence Tratt
U Bournemouth (UK)

Luciano Baresi
Politecnico di Milano (I)

Marc Pantel
U Toulouse (F)

Martin Gogolla
U Bremen (D)

Nicolas Rouquette

Orlando Avila-Garcia
Open Canarias (E)

Piero Fraternali
Politecnico di Milano (I)

Reiko Heckel
U Leicester (UK)

Thomas Kuehne
V.U. Wellington (NZ)

Vicente Pelechano
U. Politécnica de Valencia (E)

Vinay Kulkarni
Tata R&D (IND)

Yasemin Topaloglu
U Ege (T)

Important Dates

Paper submission: 29 January 2009
Notification of acceptance: 20 March 2009
Camera-ready version due: 6 April 2009
Conference dates: 29 June-3 July 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ICMT 2009"
AcronymICMT 2009 +
Camera ready dueApril 6, 2009 +
End dateJuly 3, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates47° 22' 28", 8° 32' 28"Latitude: 47.37445
Longitude: 8.5410416666667
Has location cityZürich +
Has location countryCategory:Switzerland +
Homepagehttp://www.model-transformation.org/ICMT2009/ +
IsAEvent +
NotificationMarch 20, 2009 +
Start dateJune 29, 2009 +
Submission deadlineJanuary 29, 2009 +
TitleInternational Conference on Model Transformation +