NLPIR 2023
NLPIR 2023 | |
7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval
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Ordinal | 7th "th" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 7.
Dates | 2023/12/15 (iCal) - 2023/12/17 |
Homepage: | |
Submitting link: | |
Location | |
Location: | Seoul, Seoul, South Korea |
Loading map... | |
Important dates | |
Submissions: | 2023/09/30 |
Registration link: | |
Committees | |
PC chairs: | Phayung Meesad, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok |
Keynote speaker: | Prof. Eduard Hovy, Fellow of ACL, University of Melbourne, Assoc. Prof. Shafiq Rayhan Joty, Research Director at Salesforce Research, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Prof. Thepchai Supnithi, Lab. Director |
Table of Contents | |
★ Publication
Submitted papers will be checked plagiarism, including self-plagiarism firstly by Cross-Check and then submitted to the TPC for further review. After several rounds of rigorous review, accepted and presented papers will be published by International Conference Proceedings Series, which will be submitted for ACM Digital Library inclusion, Ei Compendex, Scopus index, etc.
- NLPIR 2018-2022 ACM Conference Proceedings has been online in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
★★Contact us Ms. Sophie Chen (Conference Secretary) Tel: +86-18381008370 Conference Website:
Facts about "NLPIR 2023"
Acronym | NLPIR 2023 + |
End date | December 17, 2023 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has Keynote speaker | Prof. Eduard Hovy +, Fellow of ACL +, University of Melbourne +, Assoc. Prof. Shafiq Rayhan Joty +, Research Director at Salesforce Research +, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) +, Prof. Thepchai Supnithi + and Lab. Director + |
Has Submitting link | + |
Has coordinates | 37° 33' 22", 126° 58' 21"Latitude: 37.556072222222 Longitude: 126.97236111111 + |
Has location city | Seoul + |
Has location country | Category:South Korea + |
Has location state | Seoul + |
Has program chair | Phayung Meesad + and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Registration link | + |
Start date | December 15, 2023 + |
Submission deadline | October 25, 2023 + |
Title | 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval + |