Property:Property documentation

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name documentation
label documentation
documentation The documentation for a property
type Special:Types/Text
primary key
mandatory false
size 500
index 14
uploadable false
inputType textarea
values from
isLink false
allow nulls?
topic Concept:Property

Text This is a Property with type Special:Types/Text

Pages using the property "Property documentation"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Property index +A positive number that specifies at which position of a Topic the given property should show. The first property to show has the index 1 each following property has an index that is +1 of the previous.  +
Property inputType +see * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#.27field.27_tag<br>input type - Specifies the type of input this field will have in the form. If a field corresponds to an SMW property or Cargo field, the form will usually have the correct input type by default; otherwise the default is text. If the corresponding SMW property, or Cargo field, cannot be automatically determined, you can use the parameter 'property', or the parameters 'cargo table' and 'cargo field', to manually specify it (see below). The allowed set of input types is different for every semantic property type; see below for the full list of options. * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#Allowed_input_types_for_data_types * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms_Inputs  +
Property isLink +true if this Property is derived form a Link. It will not be exported to SiDIF separately and automatically be added by the Property Generator  +
Property label +The label to be shown when in a form  +
Property mandatory +Specifies that this field must be filled in by the user. Note: mandatory should not be used in conjunction with hidden. Use of both in any field will cause the mandatory check on any field to fail when the form is saved. see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#.27field.27_tag  +
Property name +The name of the property  +
Property namespace +namespace prefix  +
Property nullable +should nullvalues be allowed and value set to NULL when empty?  +
Property primaryKey +is this property a primary key of it's topic?  +
Property showInGrid +I am true if this property is displayed in the default list of properties for my topic as a column  +
Property size +the display size of the field for the property  +
Property sortPos +If none empty >0 this is the position in the sort clause of this property. This is used when displaying list of the topic as the default sort order and it is used for selecting topics . E.g. Sortpos 1 for attribute lastname and sortpos 2 for attribute firstname leads to sort by lastname,firstname  +
Property type +The type of a Property  +
Property uploadable +Specifies that a link should be placed next to this field, that opens a popup window to let the user upload a file; see 'Uploading files', below. See * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#.27field.27_tag * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#Uploading_files The type of the target property needs to be Page for this to work  +
Property values from +Specifies where to get the possible values to be displayed in a form from see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#.27field.27_tag * values from property=property name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the the set of all values that a certain SMW property points to. * values from category=category name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific category. * values from concept=concept name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific concept. * values from namespace=namespace name - Similar to values=, but gets its values from the names of all pages belonging to a specific namespace. (To get values from the main namespace, use 'Main' for the namespace name, or just leave it blank.) * values from url=URL identifier - Used only for autocompletion. Specifies that autocompletion should be based on the values retrieved from an outside URL; see Autocompleting on outside values for how to do this. * values from external data=variable name - Used for autocompletion. You need to have theExternal Data extension installed to be able to use this parameter. It specifies that autocompletion should be based on the data retrieved from an outside source. A large number of data sources are supported, including web APIs, regular wiki pages, files on the local server, databases and LDAP directories. See Autocompletion using External Data.  +
Sponsor +This [[isA::Property|property ]] of the datatype [[has type::Page]] is used to specify the organization or person that sponsors or funds an academic [[used for::Concept:Event|event]] or [[used for::Concept:Event series|event series]]. The use of this property is [[Usage_obligation::recommended]]. It is [[Needed_for_DOI_registration::no|not]] necessary for the DOI registration process via DataCite.  +
Start date +This [[isA::Property|property]] is of the datatype [[has type::Date]] and it is being used to provide the '''start date''' of an academic [[used for::Concept:Event|event]] or a [[used for::Category:Project|project]]. This property is aligned with [[imported from::icaltzd:dtstart]]. It is a [[Usage_obligation::mandatory]] property when describing an academic event and it is [[Needed_for_DOI_registration::yes|needed]] for the DOI registration process via DataCite.  +
Title +This [[isA::Property|property ]] is of the datatype [[has type::Text]] and it is being used to specify the '''official name''' of an academic [[used for::Concept:Event|event]] or [[used for::Concept:Event series|event series]]. It is a [[Usage_obligation::mandatory]] property when describing an academic event or event series and it is [[Needed_for_DOI_registration::yes|needed]] for the DOI registration process via DataCite.  +
Wiki backup +when was the the most recent backup of the wiki?  +
Wiki language +The language of the wiki  +
Wiki owner +The organization or person owning the data in the wiki  +
Wiki project +project the wiki is motivated by  +
Wiki purpose +The purpose of the wiki  +
Wiki safes +backup servers - multiple ; separated possible  +
Wiki server +The server/computer where the wiki runs  +
IsAProperty +
Property documentationThe documentation for a property +
Property index14 +
Property inputTypetextarea +
Property isLinkfalse +
Property labeldocumentation +
Property mandatoryfalse +
Property namedocumentation +
Property size500 +
Property topicConcept:Property +
Property typeSpecial:Types/Text +
Property uploadablefalse +
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Text +