✎ Property | |
name | name |
label | official name |
documentation | This property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to specify the official name of an academic event or event series.
It is a mandatory property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite. |
type | Text |
primary key | false |
mandatory | false |
namespace | |
size | |
index | |
uploadable | |
default | |
sortPos | |
inputType | |
allowedValues | |
values from | |
showInGrid | |
isLink | |
allow nulls? | |
topic | Event |
This property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to specify the full title of events, event series, journals, papers, organizations or projects.
This property aligns with dc:title (dc | Dublin Core).
It is a mandatory property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite.
Wikidata property id: P1705
RQ-Wiki property: EventName &SeriesName
PTP property: title
Crossref property: conference_name
DBLP property: title
WikiCFP property: title
DataCite property: title
Maps to AEON: name
Usage guideline
This is only an unfinished example at the moment!
When using this property to describe academic events and event series, the full title shall be copied from the original source of the event e.g. CFP or homepage. If the event is part of a series it should be checked whether the title fits the series pattern. E.g. if a series begins with 1st ... of ACL , 2nd ... of ACL and continues with 3rd of Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) then ...
Pages using the property "Title"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
AETS 2021 + | 2nd Asia Education Technology Symposium + |
AETS 2023 + | 4th Asia Education Technology Symposium + |
AETS 2024 + | 4th Asia Education Technology Symposium + |
AF 2017 + | AF 2017 : 7th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2017) + |
AFCA 2016 + | 4th International Workshop on Applications and Fundamentals of Cellular Automata + |
AFCAL 2007 + | Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages + |
AFFINE 2010 + | 3rd International Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments + |
AFFS 2017 + | Art Future & Future State + |
AFIN + | International Conference on Advances in Future Internet + |
AFIN 2009 + | The First International Conference on Advances in Future Internet + |
AFIN 2020 + | Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet + |
AFIN 2021 + | Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet + |
AFIPS + | American Federation of Information Processing Societies + |
AFL 2008 + | he 12th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages + |
AFM 08 + | Seventh International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics + |
AFP 2008 + | AFP Corporate Risk Forum + |
AFRICATEK 2017 + | 1st International EAI Conference on Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries + |
AFRICOMM 2011 + | 3rd International ICST Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries + |
AFRIGRAPH 2007 + | 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa + |
AG 2009 + | The 2nd International Symposium on Academic Globalization + |
AGI 2008 + | Conference on Artificial General Intelligence + |
AGI 2010 + | The 3rd Conference on Artificial General Intelligence + |
AGILE 2008 + | Semantic Web meets Geospatial Applications + |
AGILE 2009 + | 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science + |
AGU sensor networks 2016 + | Sensor networks and informatics for the Geosciences + |
ConfIDent property name | official name + |
Crossref property | conference_name + |
DBLP property | title + |
DataCite property | title + |
IsA | Property + |
MapsToAEON | name + |
Needed for DOI registration | true + |
PTP property | title + |
Priority Milestone | iteration 1 + |
Property documentation | This property is of the … This property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to specify the official name of an academic event or event series.
It is a mandatory property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite. the DOI registration process via DataCite. + |
Property label | official name + |
Property mandatory | false + |
Property name | name + |
Property primaryKey | false + |
Property topic | Event + |
Property type | Text + |
RQ schema property | EventName + and SeriesName + |
Usage obligation | mandatory + |
Used for | Concept:Event + and Concept:Event series + |
WikiCFP property | title + |
Wikidata property | P1705 + |
Imported from "Imported from" is a predefined property that describes a relation to an imported vocabulary and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | dc:title + |
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | Text + |