ISSTA 2010

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ISSTA 2010
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Dates Jul 12, 2010 (iCal) - Jul 16, 2010
Location: Trento, Italy
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Important dates
Submissions: Feb 5, 2010
Table of Contents

 ISSTA is the leading research conference in software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. We solicit submissions in the following categories:

    * Technical papers (max 11 pages in ACM format), describing original (theoretical or empirical) research, new techniques, or in-depth case studies of testing and analysis methods.
    * Research demo papers, describing research prototypes that will be demonstrated at dedicated demo sessions during the conference. The format for research demo papers consists of description of technique and tool (max 4 pages in ACM format), demo script (max 1 page), and optional snapshots (max 2 pages).
    * Doctoral symposium papers (max 4 pages in ACM format), describing ongoing PhD work related to software analysis and testing.
    * Workshop proposals (max 2 pages in ACM format), making the case for a full-day or half-day workshop to be co-located with ISSTA 2010. The proposal should state the theme and goals of the workshop, its format, each organizer�s background and experience, and a preliminary list of (proposed or confirmed) program committee members. 

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this symposium. All submissions must be in ACM conference format and page limits, in camera-ready form, include figures and references. All submissions must be in English. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ISSTA 2010"
AcronymISSTA 2010 +
End dateJuly 16, 2010 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates46° 3' 59", 11° 7' 33"Latitude: 46.066422222222
Longitude: 11.125761111111
Has location cityTrento +
Has location countryCategory:Italy +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJuly 12, 2010 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 5, 2010 +
TitleInternational Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis +