IWAR 2010

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IWAR 2010
11th Australian Information Warfare Conference
Event in series IWAR
Subevent of 2010 secau Security Congress
Dates 2010/11/30 (iCal) - 2010/12/02
Homepage: http://conferences.secau.org
Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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Important dates
Submissions: 2010/09/01
Table of Contents

The aim of the Australian Information Warfare Conference 2010 is to inform participants on research and practice in traditional and contemporary applications of information warfare. Information warfare is becoming an increasingly diverse discipline that exists within a constantly changing social environment.

The evolution of warfare techniques and the global use of information and networked communications have seen a shift from the more traditional military domain to wider application into the corporate world and global society.

Papers are invited in the following areas, but not limited to:

Information operations theory and practice

Psychological operations

Critical infrastructure protection and vulnerability

Application of information warfare in contemporary and non-military environments

Case studies in application of information warfare

secau Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia

Conference Chair: Dr Trish Williams

Congress Chair: Professor Craig Valli

Executive Chair: Professor Murray Lampard

Congress Organiser: Ms Lisa McCormack

Facts about "IWAR 2010"
AcronymIWAR 2010 +
End dateDecember 2, 2010 +
Event in seriesIWAR +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates-31° 57' 21", 115° 51' 38"Latitude: -31.955894444444
Longitude: 115.86058611111
Has location cityPerth +
Has location countryCategory:Australia +
Has location stateWestern Australia +
Homepagehttp://conferences.secau.org +
IsAEvent +
Start dateNovember 30, 2010 +
Subevent of2010 secau Security Congress +
Submission deadlineSeptember 1, 2010 +
Title11th Australian Information Warfare Conference +