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ACMMM 2020, RANDOM 2020, APPROX 2020, IWPT 2020, ACL 2020, NAACL HLT 2020, NAACL 2020, SIGDIAL 2020, CVPR 2020, ICMT 2020, ITCS 2020, DNA 2019, IEEE BigData 2018, GameSec 2018, ARMA 2018, ACC 2017, RadarConf 2017, NL+SE 2016, PLDI 2013, CSCW 2012, WSDM 2012, VLDB 2011, PERCOM 2011, ISCRAM 2010, ACM GIS 2009, CORCS 2009, IEEE BINDIS 2009, ME 2009, RSS 2009, SIGMETRICS 2009, CGO 2009, PSCE 2009, ISSRE 2008, IWAENC 2008, SIGCOMM 2008, IE 2008, ACC 2008, ISCAS 2008, ICWSM 2008, VEE 2008, ASPLOS 2008, ACM GIS 2007, GIS 2007, ICS 2007, LICS 2006, CAV 2006, IJCAR 2006, OSDI 2006, ICAC 2005, OOPSLA 2002... further results