Seoul is located in South Korea
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2025 ICIEA 2025, ACEE 2025, ISDEA 2025, ICBEA 2025, ICBCB 2025, ICSMA 2025, ICCMME 2025, ICBET 2024, ICPPS 2024, ICASSP 2024, NLPIR 2023, ATIP 2023, ITIOT 2023, ACBT 2023, ICC 2022, ICEMC 2022, ICETD 2022, CCS 2021, ICCEA 2021, ICEMC 2021, IEEE BIBM 2020, ICISC 2020, Web3D 2020, APBC 2020, COCOON 2020, DGO 2020, ICSE 2020, WCNC 2020, ICISC 2019, ICCV 2019, MobiSys 2019, ICRET 2019, ICISC 2018, ACMMM 2018, ACMME 2018, ICIS 2017, ICISC 2017, ACML 2017, ICBEF 2017 : 2017 International Conference on Biometric Engineering and Forensics (ICBEF 2017)-Ei Compendex, Scopus and ISI, ICBBE - IEEE Xplore 2017 : 2017 4th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE 2017) - IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex, ICMSET 2017 : 2017 6th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, ICPPS 2017, ICBFS 2017, ICESE 2017, ICISC 2016, BDTA 2016, ISCA 2016, CHI 2015, ICCCI 2014, WWW 2014... further results