ICWE 2003

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ICWE 2003
3th International Conference on Web Engineering
Event in series ICWE
Dates 14.07.2003 (iCal) - 18.07.2003
Location: Oviedo, Spain
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General chairs: Luis Joyanes Aguilar, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle
PC chairs: Oscar Pastor, Luis Olsina Santos, Martín González Rodríguez
Table of Contents

Facts about "ICWE 2003"
AcronymICWE2003 +
End dateJuly 18, 2003 +
Event in seriesICWE +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates43° 21' 43", -5° 50' 54"Latitude: 43.361863888889
Longitude: -5.8483583333333
Has general chairLuis Joyanes Aguilar + and Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle +
Has location cityOviedo +
Has location countryCategory:Spain +
Has program chairOscar Pastor +, Luis Olsina Santos + and Martín González Rodríguez +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJuly 14, 2003 +
Title3th International Conference on Web Engineering +