SIGIR 2017

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SIGIR 2017
40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
Event in series SIGIR
Dates 2017/08/07 (iCal) - 2017/08/11
Location: Tokyo, Japan
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2017/01/17
Submissions: 2017/01/24
Notification: 2017/04/11
Table of Contents

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SIGIR is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in information retrieval. The conference consists of five days of full papers, short papers, demonstrations, tutorials and workshops focused on research and development in the area of information retrieval, as well as an industry track and social events.

Facts about "SIGIR 2017"
Abstract deadlineJanuary 17, 2017 +
AcronymSIGIR 2017 +
End dateAugust 11, 2017 +
Event in seriesSIGIR +
Event typeConference +
Has location cityTokyo +
Has location countryCategory:Japan +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationApril 11, 2017 +
Start dateAugust 7, 2017 +
Submission deadlineJanuary 24, 2017 +
Title40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval +