Florida is located in USA
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WSC 2020, CCS 2020, SPIRE 2020, AMTA 2020, ECTC 2020, Conf-IRM 2020, DLT 2020, ISAIM 2020, LFCS 2020, ICMLA 2019, CoNEXT 2019, SecureComm 2019, CDC 2018, ISI 2018, ESEC/FSE 2018, ICMT 2018, LFCS 2018, ISAIM 2018, IPDPS 2017, IPDPS-Test, ISDM@FLAIRS 2017, AIHealth@FLAIRS 2017, SLIE 2017, FLAIRS 2017, EAST - FLAIRS 2017, AISTATS 2017, APEC 2017, CTS 2016, MSSNC 2016, KTOI 2016, POPL 2016, LFCS 2016, ISAIM 2016, WISE 2015, HPCA 2014, ACMMM 2014, MobiCom 2013, LIS 2010, ISIAM 2010, WSRCC 2009, WIKISYM 2009, OOPSLA 2009, ISMAR 2009, FOGA 2009, EISTA2009, EISTA 2009, AG 2009, CVPR 2009, FDG 2009, AISTATS 2009... further results