NSysS 2017-4

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NSysS 2017-4
4th NSysS 2017 : 2017 4th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS)
Dates 2017/12/18 (iCal) - 2017/12/20
Homepage: http://cse.buet.ac.bd/nsyss2017-4th/
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/08/01
Table of Contents

The 4th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security 2017 (4th NSysS 2017) aims at providing a forum of researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to exchange new ideas and results related to computer networks, networking systems, and security across academia and industry. 4th NSysS 2017 will be held during December 18-20, 2017 in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. This conference is technically co-sponsored by ACM Chapter and IEEE Bangladesh Section.

We solicit original technical papers articulating novel ideas, protocols, and algorithms with ground-breaking results and/or quantified experiences involving networking systems and security. The conference values papers, which will take a broad networking and/or security perspective(s) covering contemporary and future applications. Of particular interest are technical contributions that enable new and compelling networking and security paradigms.

Scope Addressing and location management Cellular and broadband wireless nets Cognitive radio networking Congestion control Cross layer design and optimization Cyber physical systems and networking Data centers Data reduction, inference, and signal processing Delay/disruption tolerant networks Denial of service Embedded software for sensor networks Energy harvesting Experience with real-world applications Experimental results from operational networks or network applications Fault-tolerance, reliability, and troubleshooting Future Internet design Innovative applications and deployment experiences Mobile, participatory, and social sensing Multicast, broadcast and anycast Multimedia protocols Near field communication Network architectures Network management and traffic engineering Network security and privacy Network simulation and emulation Network, transport, and application-layer protocols Novel components, devices and architectures for networked sensing Operating systems and runtime environments Optical networks P2P, overlay, and content distribution networks Power control and management Quality of service Resource allocation and management RFID networks and protocols Satellite networks Scheduling and buffer management Security, trust and privacy Self-organizing networks Sensor data storage, retrieval, processing and management Social computing and networks Switches and switching Theoretical foundation and fundamental bounds Topology characterization and inference Underground and underwater networks Vehicular networks Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks

Author Instructions Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to Network Systems and Security. Submitted papers must describe work not previously published. They must not be submitted simultaneously to another conference with refereed proceedings or to a journal. Papers should not exceed 9 pages in IEEE style. Please find the template of IEEE style here. Only electronic submissions will be allowed. All papers submitted to 4th NSysS 2017 need to be double-blind, i.e., no author name should appear in the submitted papers.

Paper Submission Link https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=55346679.Flay0fBhs3WxQmWp

Proceedings This conference is included in the IEEE Conference Publications Program (CPP). IEEE has a long-standing commitment to ensuring the high quality of its conferences and of the conference proceedings published in IEEE Xplore®. Therefore, IEEE reserves the right to withhold publishing of proceedings that do not meet the IEEE quality standards. IEEE makes every reasonable attempt to ensure that abstract and index entries of content accepted into the CPP are included in databases provided by independent abstracting and indexing (A&I) services. Each A&I partner makes its own editorial decision on what content it will index. IEEE cannot guarantee entries are included in any particular database.

Technical Co-Sponsorship This conference is technically co-sponsored by ACM Chapter and IEEE Bangladesh Section.

Facts about "NSysS 2017-4"
Acronym4th NSysS 2017 +
End dateDecember 20, 2017 +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has coordinates23° 45' 16", 90° 23' 36"Latitude: 23.754452777778
Longitude: 90.393336111111
Has location cityDhaka +
Has location countryCategory:Bangladesh +
Homepagehttp://cse.buet.ac.bd/nsyss2017-4th/ +
IsAEvent +
Start dateDecember 18, 2017 +
Submission deadlineAugust 1, 2017 +
Title4th NSysS 2017 : 2017 4th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS) +