A Review on Surface Modification of Airfoils Using Dimples

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A Review on Surface Modification of Airfoils Using Dimples
A Review on Surface Modification of Airfoils Using Dimples
Bibliographical Metadata
Authors: Rubiat Mustak
Content Metadata
Implementation: TEST


An airfoil is a cross section of airplanes wings. Wings of airplanes produce lift by creating pressure difference between upper and lower surface of wings. This so called lift enables the airplanes to fly helps them remain high in the sky. One of the major problems that an airplane experienced is flow separation .Which causes the reduction of lift and increment of drag. Drag is the resisting force of air. A lot of researchers working hard since few decades to minimize this flow separation effect. As a result of their hard working concept of vortex generator have been developed .Which delays the boundary layer separation. Though there are various types of vortex generators. In the present review a special type of vortex generator namely dimple is focused. Since last half of decades investigations related to dimples grew the attention of many researchers .A lot of numerical and experimental investigations have been conducted by several researchers around the world related to dimples effect on airplanes wings cross section or airfoils. The outcomes of those investigations are extremely tremendous. Those outcomes indicate that dimples of different size and shape can play a vital role in designing of airplanes wings. This present study or review try to sum up all of those researches in a nut shell.



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For Details Please See the Following Paper Link:

A Review on Surface Modification of Airfoils Using Dimples


Airfoil, Dimple, Investigation, Review, Wing, Wind Tunnel.

Introduction From the earliest starting point of human race, man has dependably longed for flying and on December 17, 1903 Wright siblings gave human race new wings and sought after ceaseless attempts in this field. Presently we have advanced to extraordinary degree in air yet at the same time after so much has been done there are sure requirements restricting us [1]. Opportunity noticeable all around is as yet not finish. Consistent endeavors are being made to build opportunity in air, be it speed, size or mobility. From business jetliners to supersonic contenders, there has been an exponential development in the avionics business [2]. Still there is immense degree for further upgrades. Here is a review that makes one such attempt. At present, various types of surface changes are being contemplated to enhance the mobility of the airplane. One of them is Vortex generator .Which delays the boundary layer separation. Though there are various types of vortex generators. In the present review a special type of vortex generator namely dimple is focused. They work as a same manner of vortex generators [2].But are not actually conventional one. They create turbulence thereby delaying flow separation and hence increasing the overall performance of airplanes wings [2].

Concept of Dimples The Concept of dimples came from golf balls [3]. Golf balls have inner impressions in form of dimples on their outer surfaces. These dimples help golf balls to reduce drag. Drag is resisting force from air. A liquid streaming over a protest tends to drag the question along its stream bearing. A question going through a liquid which is stationary there is a propensity to back the protest off. For a stationary question in a liquid which is streaming there is an inclination to move the protest in the liquid streaming heading .These propensities of streaming liquid is known as drag. While traveling through air planes additionally subjected to a few drags. As dimples reduce drag of golf ball they can be useful on reducing wings drag. That grows the attention of several researchers about dimple. There were a lot of experiments and numerical investigations have been conducted by several researchers around the world on dimpled effect on airplane wings.

Numerical Investigations Deepanshu Srivastav in 2012 presents a research paper on Flow Control over Airfoils using Different Shaped Dimples at International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies. He performed a CFD investigation in 3-D by taking a fragment of the airfoil with one dimple on it. He prepared his CAD model using CatiaV5 R18 and simulations were carried out in Comsol 3.4 and Comsol 4.2a.His results were in agreement that dimples at first glance on wing model does not influence the weight drag much since it is now streamlined fit as a fiddle however it can influence its optimal design when the airfoil is at various angle of attcak. This venture confirms if the dimples that decrease a golf ball's drag, can additionally modify stream elements around airfoil for better streamlined productivity [4]. M. Moses Devaprasanna, N. Maheswaran, M. Harish and Prof. A. Sankaran in 2016 published their research paper on CFD study on aerodynamic effects of dimples on aircraft wings in International Journal of Engineering & Science Research. There venture likewise includes in decreasing the take-off separation by accomplishing high Coefficient of lift at higher angle of attack [5]. P. Booma Devi, Dilip A. Shah in 2016 published their article on Computational Analysis of Cavity Effect over Aircraft Wing in International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering. For their study the wing was demonstrated in CATIA V5R20 and examinations were done utilizing ANSYS CFX. Triangle and square shapes dimples were considered. They show that efficiency improvement can be achieved by improving the maximum lift co-efficient or by reducing the drag co-efficient. Their computational outcomes demonstrate an expansion in lift. Presentation of dimple is a powerful controlling strategy to increment in angle of stall and lift coefficient [6]. E. Livya, G. Anitha, P. Valli published their research paper on Aerodynamic Analysis of Dimple Effect on Aircraft Wing in International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering. Their venture incorporates both computational and exploratory investigation of dimple impact on airplanes wing, utilizing NACA 0018 airfoil. Dimple states of Semi-circle, hexagon, cylinder, square are chosen for the investigation. Their results showed the dimple impact by expanding L/D proportion and consequently giving the most extreme streamlined productivity, which gives the upgraded execution for the airplane [7]. Thamodharan B , Shaik Mohamed Nagutha G, Sacraties A , Devaki P in 2016 share their article on Numerical Analysis of Effect of Dimples on Aero-dynamics of an Airfoil in International Conference on Explorations and Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICEIET - 2016).They increase the stall angle by deferring the stream detachment utilizing dimples at different areas on the suction surface of the airfoil [8].


[1] Md.Amzad Hossain,Md. Nizam Uddin,Rubiat Mustak,M.Mashud,“ Experimental Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics Of Airfoils Using Different Shaped Dimples”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ,Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages PP.13-17 ,2015 [2] Rubiat Mustak, Md. Harun-Or-Rashid Molla, Mohammad Mashud, “Improvement of Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airfoil by Surface Modification”, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER),Volume 6,Issue 3,PP.07-14,2017 [3] Rubiat Mustak, MD. Nizam Uddin, Mohammad Mashud,“ Effect of different shaped dimples on airfoils”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2015 (ICMERE2015), 26 – 29 November, 2015, Chittagong, Bangladesh [4] Deepenshu Srivastav (2012), “Flow Control Over Airfoils Using Different Shaped Dimples”, International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies (FDTT) IPCSIT Vol.33 IACSIT Press, Singapore [5] M. Moses Devaprasanna, N. Maheswaran, M. Harish and Prof. A. Sankaran(2016),CFD study on aerodynamic effects of dimples on aircraft wings, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research,Volume-6,Issue-11,Pages pp.245-248,2016 [6] P. Booma Devi, Dilip A. Shah (2016),Computational Analysis of Cavity Effect over Aircraft Wing, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering,Volume-10,Issue-4,2016 [7] Livya. E, Anitha. G and Valli. P “Aerodynamic analysis of dimple effect over aircraft wing” International journal of mechanical aerospace industrial and mechatronics engineering, Vol-9. No 2, 2015 pp 350-353. [8] Thamodharan B, Shaik Mohamed Nagutha G,Sacraties A , Devaki P (2016),Numerical Analysis of Effect of Dimples on Aero-dynamics of an Airfoil, International Conference on Explorations and Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICEIET - 2016). [9] Rubiat Mustak,“ Development of a Generalized Source Code for NACA Four Digit Airfoils”, International Journal of Research(IJR),Volume-4,Issue-5,Pages PP.285-290,April,2017 [10] Rubiat Mustak, Md. Habib Ullah Khan, Md. Harun-Or-Rashid Molla,“ Design and construction of NACA-4415 airfoil with various shaped surface modifications”, Asia Pacific Journal of Engineering Science and Technology(APJEST),Volume-3,Issue-1,PP.28-38,2017. [11] Dr. P. N. Modi & Dr. S. M Seth, "Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Machines" (In SI Unit), new edition 2005-2006, Standard Book House [12] John D. Anderson, J.R," Introduction to Flight Dynamics", Third Edition, Mc Graw-Hill International Editions, Aerospace Science Series [13] E. L. Houghton and P. W. Carpenter, "Aerodynamics for Engineering Students ",Fourth Edition, Edward Arnold Publisher [14] Charles E. Dole," Flight Theory and Aerodynamics ",A Wiley Inter science Publication. [15] Davies, J.M.,“ The aerodynamics of golf balls”, J of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, (9), PP 821-828. [16] Mohammad Mashud, Rubiat Mustak,“ Experimental Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils Using Hexagonal Shaped Dimples”, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials 2015,3-4 December, 2015, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,Malaysia

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Has abstractAn airfoil is a cross section of airplanes
An airfoil is a cross section of airplanes wings. Wings of airplanes produce lift by creating pressure difference between upper and lower surface of wings. This so called lift enables the airplanes to fly helps them remain high in the sky. One of the major problems that an airplane experienced is flow separation .Which causes the reduction of lift and increment of drag. Drag is the resisting force of air. A lot of researchers working hard since few decades to minimize this flow separation effect. As a result of their hard working concept of vortex generator have been developed .Which delays the boundary layer separation. Though there are various types of vortex generators. In the present review a special type of vortex generator namely dimple is focused. Since last half of decades investigations related to dimples grew the attention of many researchers .A lot of numerical and experimental investigations have been conducted by several researchers around the world related to dimples effect on airplanes wings cross section or airfoils. The outcomes of those investigations are extremely tremendous. Those outcomes indicate that dimples of different size and shape can play a vital role in designing of airplanes wings. This present study or review try to sum up all of those researches in a nut shell.
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