IEDM 2020

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IEDM 2020
66th International Electron Devices Meeting
Event in series IEDM
Dates 2020/12/12 (iCal) - 2020/12/16
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: 2020/07/24
General chairs: Suman Datta
PC chairs: Tibor Grasser
Table of Contents

Call for Papers

Submission deadline: July 24th Single submission of final, four-page paper


IEDM encourages submissions in all areas with special emphasis on:

  • Neuromorphic computing / AI
  • Quantum computing devices
  • Devices for RF, 5G, THz and mm-wave
  • Advanced memory technologies
  • Technologies for advanced logic nodes
  • Non-charge-based devices and systems
  • Advanced power devices, modules and systems
  • Sensors, MEMS and bioelectronics
  • Package-device level interactions
  • Electron device simulation and modeling
  • Robustness/security of electronic circuits and systems
  • Optoelectronics, displays and imaging systems

Meeting Highlights

  • Three plenary presentations by prominent experts
  • Special focus sessions covering topics in:
    Technologies enabling 5G and beyond
    Future interconnect technology
    Device technologies for cryogenic electronics
    Advanced IC design and integration in widebandgap technologies
    Energy harvesting and wireless power transmission
    Next Generation Design-Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO)
  • Evening panel discussions
  • Six tutorial sessions on Saturday, December 12th
  • Two short courses on Sunday, December 13th
  • Exhibits on December 14th − 16th

Preparation of Full Papers

Papers must be submitted electronically in IEEE Xplore-compatible pdf format. The deadline for submission of papers is July 24th, 2020. PRIOR to preparing your paper for electronic submission, please read the paper preparation and submission guidelines below. A paper template and sample paper are available at:

Notification of Acceptance

Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the end of September. The accepted paper will be published as-is in the Technical Digest of the 2020 IEDM. Publication in the digest in no way precludes later publication of a fuller account of the work in another journal, but NO PUBLICATION is acceptable before the conference. The paper must be presented at the conference by one of the listed authors.

Student Presentation of Papers Encouraged

Papers presented by students and based on their own work will be considered for the Best Student Paper Award. In addition, outstanding student papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their IEDM paper to an IEDM Special Issue in the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. The paper must be identified as a student paper at the time of submission. The award is based on both the paper and the presentation which must be given by the student. The award will be announced and presented at the 2021 IEDM. Student Speaker Financial and Travel Assistance Financial assistance for travel and registration is available to students presenting papers. This applies also for overseas students. Assistance must be requested when the paper is submitted by choosing this option on the submission website (under "Type"). Further information on travel assistance will be included in the student's author kit. Late News Papers are not eligible for travel assistance or the student paper award.

Pre-Conference Publicity

The accepted 4-page papers and supporting information will be used by IEDM for publicity and portions of these papers may be quoted in pre-conference magazine articles and also via the Web. If this is not acceptable, authors must indicate this on the web site when submitting the papers for review. Questions regarding pre-conference publicity should be addressed to the conference public relations manager, Chris Burke at (email: and tel. 1-919-872-8172) and Gary Dagastine (email: and tel. 1-518-785-2724).

Agreement Not to Pre-Publish

Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the committee as an agreement to the IEEE submission policy that the work will not be published by the author prior to the conference. Accepted papers or significant portions of the work must not be published in any other conference presentations with or without proceedings prior to the conference. Violation will be grounds for automatic withdrawal of the paper by the conference committee.

Late News Papers

Deadline for receipt of papers is August 31st, 2020. A very limited number of Late News Papers will be accepted. Late News Papers are not eligible for travel assistance or the student paper award. Authors are asked to submit late news papers announcing only very recent developments. Papers should be in the same format as a regular paper and should be submitted through the submission web site in the same way as for regular submissions. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the end of September.

For Further Information

All questions or inquiries for further information regarding this meeting should be directed to the Conference Office at: 8512 Fountain Valley Drive Montgomery Village, MD 20886 USA Tel: 240-449-6746 Email:

Local European Contact Geert Eneman Imec

Local Asian Contact Kang-ill Seo Samsung

2020 Conference Chair Suman Datta University of Notre Dame

Technical Program Chair Tibor Grasser TU Wien

Facts about "IEDM 2020"
AcronymIEDM 2020 +
End dateDecember 16, 2020 +
Event in seriesIEDM +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates37° 46' 44", -122° 25' 12"Latitude: 37.779025
Longitude: -122.41990555556
Has general chairSuman Datta +
Has location citySan Francisco +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateCalifornia +
Has program chairTibor Grasser +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateDecember 12, 2020 +
Submission deadlineJuly 24, 2020 +
Title66th International Electron Devices Meeting +