CLEO 2020

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CLEO 2020
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
Event in series CLEO
Dates 2020/05/11 (iCal) - 2020/05/15
Location: Washington, DC, Online
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General chairs: Michael Mielke, Jin Kang, Stephanie Tomasulo, Ilko Ilev
PC chairs: Mercedeh Khajavikhan, Tracy Northup, Rohit Prasankumar, Takasumi Tanabe
Panel Chair: Andrea Armani, Utkarsh Sharma, Jie Qiao, Dirk Mueller, Brian Simonds, Fabio Di Teodoro, Daniel Law, David Bomse, Wilhelm Kaenders, Peter Fendel, Edik Rafailov
Table of Contents



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The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2020. Due to restrictions arising from the coronavirus pandemic, CLEO will now be held online 11–15 May, 2020 with live technical sessions.


All proposals must be submitted by the deadline of 8 July 2020 at 12:00 EDT, GMT-04:00. Proposals should include the information below via the submission form.

Contact/Primary Organizer's Information Organizer's name, affiliation, country, and email address

  • Each Symposium, Topical Review or Workshop program should have 2-3 organizers

Title and abstract Why is this topic important now and needed in contrast to other years? For Symposium proposals, which existing topic subcommittees* (any combination of A&T, S&I and FS), if any, would this topic be most aligned with?

  • Note that it is not necessary that the proposed symposium be aligned with any existing subcommittee of CLEO.

For A&T Topical Review proposals, which existing topic subcommittees* (A&T as well as any relevant S&I and FS), if any, would this topic be most aligned with?

  • Note that it is not necessary that the proposal be aligned with any existing subcommittee of CLEO.

For Workshops, what are the conflicting or opposing opinions that can be rationally argued about the proposed topic? Proposed invited speaker list* and talk titles (for Symposia and Topical Reviews) or proposed moderator and panelists (for Workshops).

  • Not necessary to contact speakers until notification of acceptance of symposium proposal. All invited speaker lists will require approval of the Program Chairs before invitations can be extended.

Questions? Contact