FCT 2011

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FCT 2011
18th Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Ordinal 18
Event in series FCT
Dates 2011/08/22 (iCal) - 2011/08/25
Homepage: http://fct11.ifi.uio.no/
Location: Oslo, Norway
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Table of Contents

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The 18th Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2011



  • algorithm design and optimization
  • combinatorics and analysis of algorithms
  • computational complexity
  • approximation, randomized, and heuristic methods
  • parallel and distributed computing
  • circuits and boolean functions
  • online algorithms
  • machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • computational geometry
  • computational algebra
  • Formal methods:
         o algebraic and categorical methods
         o automata and formal languages
         o computability and nonstandard computing models
         o database theory
         o foundations of concurrency and distributed systems
         o logics and model checking
         o models of reactive, hybrid and stochastic systems
         o principles of programming languages
         o program analysis and transformation
         o specification, refinement and verification
         o security
         o type systems
  • Emerging fields:
         o ad hoc, dynamic, and evolving systems
         o algorithmic game theory
         o computational biology
         o foundations of cloud computing and ubiquitous systems
         o quantum computation


Important Dates