HIBES 2012

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HIBES 2012
[[title:=[EI Compendex, IEEEXplorer, SCOPUS] International conference in Healthcare Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Systems]]
Dates 2012/07/07 (iCal) - 2012/07/08
Homepage: http://www.hibes.org/index.html
Location: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
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Table of Contents

Call for Papers [EI Compendex, IEEEXplorer, SCOPUS] International conference in Healthcare Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Systems (HIBES 2012) Bandung, Indonesia 07 -08 July 2012 http://www.hibes.org/index.html

SCOPE Our clinical environments are influenced with health informatics achievements like digital health records, digital images, automated medication handling, work lists, to mention a few, to support health professional in most areas of health care; community health, primary care and hospitals. However, Information and Communication Technology is not only replacing manual tasks but more than that since the new forms of interaction and coordination between professionals emerge. The doctors and nurses of today will access the electronic record for information rather than consult a colleague, go to the web for images rather than to the radiology department, or call up the messaging system rather than go to the ward for updates and instructions. Health professionals meet a new reality with new opportunities – but also new challenges. Databases, networking, graphical interfaces, intelligent decision support systems and specialized programming languages are just a few of the technologies currently used in medical informatics. Mobility and ubiquity in healthcare systems, standardization of technologies and procedures, certification, privacy are some of the issues that medical informatics professionals and the ICT industry in general need to address in order to further promote ICT in healthcare. In the case of medical rehabilitation and assistive technology the use of ICT has had important results in the enhancement of the quality of life, contributing to a full integration of all citizens in the societies they are also part of. HIBES 2012 is a forum for debating all these aspects. Furthermore, this conference is also a meeting place for those interested in understanding the human and social implications of technology, not only in healthcare systems but in other aspects of human-machine interaction such as accessibility issues. The purpose of the International conference in Healthcare Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Systems (HIBES 2012) is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to healthcare and Biomedical Engineering. HIBES 2012 encourages authors to submit papers to one of the main topics indicated below, describing original work, including methods, techniques, advanced prototypes, applications, systems, tools or survey papers, reporting research results and/or indicating future directions. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the authors and published in the proceedings. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. There will be both oral and poster sessions. Special sessions are also welcome. Please contact the secretariat for further information on how to propose a special session.

CONFERENCE AREAS Papers should address one or more of these areas which are further elaborated below. Authors may address one or more of the topics that are listed below whose list is however not exhaustive. Unlisted but related topics are also acceptable provided they fit in one of the topic areas. Considering the defined scope and other elaborations regarding HIBES 2012we provide below the following list of conference areas: e-Health Telemedicine Medical and Nursing Informatics Design and Development Methodologies for Healthcare IT Interoperability Semantic Interoperability Confidentiality and Data Security in Healthcare Knowledge Management Databases and Datawarehousing in Healthcare Decision Support Systems in Healthcare Wearable Health Informatics Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Applications Evaluation and Use of Healthcare IT Physiological Modeling

Cognitive Informatics

Affective Computing Therapeutic Systems and Technologies Healthcare Management Systems Human-Machine Interfaces for Disabled Persons Development of Assistive Technology ICT, Ageing and Disability Practice-based Research Methods for Healthcare IT Electronic Health Records and Standards Software Systems in Medicine Pervasive Health Systems and Services e-Health for Public Health Clinical Problems and Applications Knowledge Acquisition and Management in Biomedical Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical

Biomedical Ontologies and Terminologies
Decision Support Systems in Biomedical

Neural Networks and Belief Networks in Biomedical Biomedical Computer Vision, Imaging, and Signal Interpretation Telemedicine and Cooperative Systems Healthcare Process Management Biomedical simulation, modeling, and rendering Accessibility And Web-Enabled Technologies Analytics Applied To Direct And Remote Clinical Care Assistive And Adaptive Ubiquitous Computing Technologies Bio-Surveillance Brain Computer Interface Cleaning, Preprocessing, And Ensuring Quality And Integrity Of Medical Records Comparative Effectiveness Research Computational Support For Patient-Centered And Evidence-Based Care Consumer And Clinician Health Information Needs, Seeking, Sharing And Use Consumer Health And Wellness Informatics Applications Continuous Monitoring And Streaming Technologies Data Management, Privacy, Security, And Confidentiality Display And Visualization Of Medical Data E-Commerce In Health Informatics E-Communities And Networks For Patients And Consumers E-Healthcare Infrastructure Design E-Learning For Spreading Health Informatics Awareness Engineering Of Medical Data Evaluation Of Health Information System E-Visit System Experience Of Building Health Information System Health Informatics Education Health Information System Framework And Enterprise Architecture In The Developing World Health It Project Management Health Software Design Health System Simulation High-Performance Computing In Healthcare Human-Centered Design Of Health Informatics Systems Information Retrieval For Health Applications

Information Technologies For The Management Of Patient Safety And Clinical Outcomes

Innovative Applications In Electronic Health Records (E.G., Ontology Or Semantic Technology, Using Continuous Biomedical Signals To Trigger Alerts) Intelligent Medical Devices And Sensors Issues Involving Interoperability And Data Representation In Healthcare Delivery Keyword And Multifaceted Search Over Structured Electronic Health Records Knowledge Discovery For Improving Patient-Provider Communication Large-Scale Longitudinal Mining Of Medical Records Medical Compliance Automation For Patients And Institutions Medical Recommender System (E.G., Medical Products, Fitness Programs) Multimodal Medical Signal Analysis Natural Language Processing For Biomedical Literature, Clinical Notes, And Health Consumer Texts Novel Health Information Systems For Chronic Disease Management Open-Source Software In Healthcare Optimization Models For Planning And Recommending Therapies Personalized Predictive Modeling For Clinical Management (E.G., Trauma, Diabetes Mellitus, Sleep Disorders, Substance Abuse) Physiological Modeling Public Health Informatics Semantic Web, Linked Data, Ontology, And Healthcare Sensor Networks And Systems For Pervasive Healthcare Social Studies Of Health Information Technologies Survival Analysis And Related Methods For Estimating Hazard Functions System Software For Complex Clinical Studies That Involve Combinations Of Clinical, Genetic, Genomic, Imaging, And Pathology Data Systems For Cognitive And Decision Support in Biomedical Technologies For Capturing And Documenting Clinical Encounter Information In Electronic Systems Telecare Telemedicine User-Interface Design Issues Applied To Medical Devices And Systems

Biomedical Engineering Biomedical imaging, image processing & visualization Bioelectrical and neural engineering Biomaterials and biomedical optics Methods and biology effects of NMR/CT/ECG technology Biomedical devices, sensors, and artificial organs Biochemical, cellular, molecular and tissue engineering Biomedical robotics and mechanics Rehabilitation engineering and clinical engineering Health monitoring systems and wearable system Bio-signal processing and analysis Biometric and bio-measurement Biomaterial and biomedical optics Other topics related to biomedical engineering


Paper Submission Deadline: 5 April 2012 Review Decision Notifications: 5 May 2012 Final Papers and Author Registration Deadline: 25 May 2012 Conference date: 7-8 July 2012

PAPER SUBMISSION https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hibes2012


The proceedings of HiBES 2012 will be published by IEEE(IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1256R-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4577-2170-0) and submitted for indexing servic through Ei Compendex.

CONFERENCE CONTACTS HIBES Secretariat hibesconf@gmail.com

Facts about "HIBES 2012"
AcronymHIBES 2012 +
End dateJuly 8, 2012 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates-6° 56' 4", 107° 36' 18"Latitude: -6.9344694444444
Longitude: 107.60495277778
Has location cityBandung +
Has location countryCategory:Indonesia +
Has location stateWest Java +
Homepagehttp://www.hibes.org/index.html +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJuly 7, 2012 +