ICESS 2009

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ICESS 2009
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems
Dates May 25, 2009 (iCal) - May 27, 2009
Location: Hangzhou, Zh;ejiang, China
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Important dates
Submissions: Dec 15, 2008
Notification: Feb 1, 2009
Camera ready due: Feb 21, 2009
Table of Contents

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The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

Embedded systems are closely related to our daily life, which reside
from smart appliances to unmanned trains. As the fastest growing
industry, embedded systems will have great societal and environmental
impacts. Therefore, the design and implementation of safe and
efficient embedded software and systems have utmost importance.

The 6th IEEE International Conferences on Embedded Software and
Systems (ICESS'09) will come back to Hangzhou again after the sequence
of ICESS'04 in Hangzhou, China; ICESS'05 in Xi'an, China; ICESS'06 in
Shanghai, China; and ICESS'07 in Daegu, Korea and ICESS'08 in Chengdu,
China. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province. The famous
Chinese saying "Above is heaven, below is Hangzhou" pretty well
describes the glamorous city of Hangzhou! With the world famous West
Lake and its amazing scenery and fascinating cultural attractions,
Hangzhou is indeed "Haven on Earth"!

The goal of ICESS09 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers
and researchers to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results,
experiences and work-in-process on all aspects of embedded software
and systems.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

A. Systems, Models and Algorithms
    .Embedded Hardware and Architectures
    .Embedded Software/Agent
    .Embedded Real-Time Systems
    .Power Aware Computing     .Distributed Embedded Computing
    .Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
    .Programming Language Supports   
    .Fault Tolerant & Trusted Embedded Systems
    .System on Chip (SoC) and Multicore systems
    .Real-Time Operating Systems
    .Cyber-Physical Systems
    .Model of Physical Systems     .Mobile Computing     .Reconfigurable Computing 
B. Design Methodology and Tools
    .Hardware/Software Co-Design
    .Formal Methods for Embedded Systems
    .Embedded Component Technology
    .Middleware for Embedded Systems   
    .Hardware/Software Co-Verification
    .Compilation and Debug Techniques
    .IDE and Software Tools
    .Performance evaluation techniques/tools

C. Embedded Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics
    .Intelligent Embedded Systems
    .Image and graph processing
    .Network Protocol and Security
    .Emergency and Disaster Management
    .Wireless Sensor Networks   
    .Robotics and Control Systems
    .QoS Supports for Embedded Systems
    .Embedded Database & Multimedia Systems
    .Consumer electronics
    .Automotive, medical and avionics systems 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ICESS 2009"
AcronymICESS 2009 +
Camera ready dueFebruary 21, 2009 +
End dateMay 27, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has location cityHangzhou +
Has location countryCategory:China +
Has location stateZh;ejiang +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationFebruary 1, 2009 +
Start dateMay 25, 2009 +
Submission deadlineDecember 15, 2008 +
TitleThe 6th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems +