International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT)

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International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT)
Field: Computer Science, Information Technology
Has editor: Dr.Adnan Alrabea
Has publisher: The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
Frequency: bi-monthly

International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT) ISSN NO . 2278 – 3083 is an International online journal published 6 issues per year is focused on promoting and published original high quality research work in both theoretical and scientific aspects of all disciplines Computing and Information Sciences. IJSAIT welcomes original research and industry experience papers. The major theme that will be covered in the journal will include the following topics (but not limited to):

Computational and Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision Video Processing Pattern Analysis and Recognition Bioinformatics Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Human-Computer Interaction Natural Language Understanding IS development for sustainability IS Database support for IS

Secure & Trusted SIS

Wireless Communication and Networks Optical Networks Multimedia Communication and Software Performance Monitoring, QoS and Reliability Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Traffic Engineering Network Security

Communication Software and Services

Cognitive Radio Databases Data extraction and Reporting Information Retrieval Web Data Management Web Information systems Multimedia Databases Mining Data, Text and the Web Metrics in Data Mining Data Mining for Software Quality Assessment Visualization Tools Biomedical Data Mining Grid and Cluster Computing Parallel and Distributed Programming Distributed Systems and Algorithms Parallel Numerical Algorithms

Peer to Peer Computing