INEWS 2008

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INEWS 2008
2nd ACM International Workshop on Improving Non English Web Searching
Dates Oct 30, 2008 (iCal) - Oct 30, 2008
Location: Napa Valley, California, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: Jul 20, 2008
Notification: Aug 10, 2008
Table of Contents

2nd ACM International Workshop
"Improving Non English Web Searching" 

held in conjunction with ACM CIKM 2008

Fotis Lazarinis, Efthimis Efthimiadis, Jesus Vilares, John Tait

October 30, 2008, Napa Valley, California

*Key dates
July 20, 2008 (** new date **)    Paper submissions due
August 10, 2008    Notifications of acceptance
August 15, 2008    Camera-ready copy due
October 30, 2008  Workshop

*Workshop Theme
main aims of this workshop are to identify the problems in web
searching when working with non-English languages and to propose
solutions and tools so as to improve web retrieval systems.

*Aims and Topics
The specific aims of the workshop are to promote better understanding of: 
-  the problems of search engines in non-English queries.
-  methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of search engines in non-English queries.
-  the user query patterns in non-English Web retrieval.
-  the factors that influence utilization of search engines in a multicultural world.
-  the needed improvements to the search engines with respect to non-English Web retrieval.
-  teaching strategies to help users improve their searching behaviour.
how standard IR techniques (Indexing, Query representation, Query
reformulation, etc) can be adapted in Web retrieval for non-English
-  the application of natural language processing techniques for non-English Web IR.

Workshop areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
-  Localization of search engine interfaces
-  Creation of multi-lingual web collections
-  Cross language and multilingual retrieval
-  Digital libraries
-  Evaluation methodologies
-  Image and video retrieval services
-  Indexing
-  Concept based image retrieval
-  Information extraction
-  Intranet/enterprise search
-  Natural language processing 
-  Performance issues of local search engines
-  Query log analysis
-  Question answering 
-  Retrieval models 
-  Summarization 
-  Teaching
-  Text categorization and clustering
-  User behaviour
-  User studies
-  Web information access

*Workshop Format / Papers
1-day workshop will begin with a morning keynote speaker; and follow
with paper presentations; poster presentations; group break-outs, and
groups reporting back to the workshop. This structure is chosen in
order to increase the interactivity and to promote the discussion among
the participants.
Keynote Speaker(s): Our aim is to provide a panel
of 2-3 representatives from the major Search Engines to discuss issues
relating to non-English language search.
Group-breakouts: Participants will join teams to discuss research challenges and directions on a topic.
Papers: We solicit three types of paper submissions: 
(a) Full Papers for presentation (6-8 pages, refereed, published in CIKM proceedings)
(b) short papers or posters (2-4 pages, refereed, published in CIKM proceedings)
(c) one-page position papers (Not refereed, published in print workshop proceedings and online)
also intend to write a journal paper synthesizing the ideas and the
conclusions of the workshop, referencing the papers of the workshop.

Please visit the workshop site for more details on formatting and submission of papers:

*Contact details of the workshop organizers 
Fotis Lazarinis, lazarinf [at] teimes [dot] gr
Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, efthimis [at] u [dot] washington [dot] edu
Jesus Vilares, jvilares [at] udc [dot] es
John Tait, john.tait [at] ir-facility [dot] org

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "INEWS 2008"
AcronymiNEWS 2008 +
End dateOctober 30, 2008 +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has coordinates38° 27' 42", -122° 18' 51"Latitude: 38.461680555556
Longitude: -122.3142
Has location cityNapa Valley +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateCalifornia +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationAugust 10, 2008 +
Start dateOctober 30, 2008 +
Submission deadlineJuly 20, 2008 +
Title2nd ACM International Workshop on Improving Non English Web Searching +