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- ...pact research and community projects such as the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia, the OpenCourseWare authoring platform or the scholar * Knowledge Representation and Management, in particular agile, light-weight methodologies and social semantic collab9 KB (1,234 words) - 11:57, 10 July 2019
- ...ience. In 2006 he became a co-opted member at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Leipzig. Prof. Fähnrich is the author of more than 30 ...he board of directors of the Center for Information, Knowledge and Service-Management, speaker of the Leipziger Informatik-Verbund (LIV) and board member of the3 KB (375 words) - 00:07, 14 August 2008
- ...will be in touch with and approached by the important people of the field (project / event organizers, tool developers) ==== Software Engineering ====6 KB (714 words) - 11:19, 11 December 2020
- System software: real-time kernels and operating systems, middleware support for ORC, QoS management, extensibility, synchronization,5 KB (715 words) - 16:43, 11 September 2008
- ...OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has become a useful instrument for educators and rese ...consist of research papers presentations,workshops, tutorials, panels, and project demonstrations.10 KB (1,349 words) - 15:42, 24 September 2008
- |Title=Annual International Conference on Software Engineering & Applications Annual International Conference on Software Engineering & Applications (SEA 2011)2 KB (293 words) - 09:35, 24 June 2011
- * ISOCO, Intelligent Software Components S.A. * Computer-assisted legal drafting and document management7 KB (998 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- | Title = Journal of Service Science and Management advancement of service science and management technologies. The goal2 KB (227 words) - 19:57, 14 October 2008
- ...architecture, engineering and construction, automobile, microelectronics, software engineering, entertainment and other areas �?� Long-term large scale project data archiving, access, concurrent data control for CE4 KB (468 words) - 21:54, 14 October 2008
- | KB (431 words) - 17:28, 15 February 2012
- This conference focuses on the user's perspective of how computers/software is software. It will address the needs of the following conference attendees:4 KB (576 words) - 22:06, 14 October 2008
- systems has long been an art rather than a workflow guided by software UIMA, the Unstructured Information Management Architecture, is an5 KB (724 words) - 22:07, 14 October 2008
- * creation, delivery and management of humanities digital resources * collaboration between libraries and scholars in the creation, delivery, and management of humanities digital resources7 KB (1,033 words) - 22:08, 14 October 2008
- * software engineering * Invited talk: Corporate Knowledge Management with Semantic Wikis at SUN5 KB (709 words) - 18:41, 22 February 2009
- | Title = SITIS track on Open Source Software Development and Solutions SITIS 2008 - Track Open Source Software Development and Solutions (OSSDS)5 KB (697 words) - 22:18, 14 October 2008
- | Title = RISE/EFTS Joint International Workshop on Software Engineering for REsilient SystEms | Field = Software engineering9 KB (1,264 words) - 17:14, 8 November 2008
- ...ernational Working Conference on Requirements Engineering : Foundation for Software Quality | Field = Software engineering4 KB (503 words) - 22:18, 14 October 2008
- - Project: descriptions of recently started new projects. - Evaluation: what lessons can be drawn from a finished project.5 KB (636 words) - 22:22, 14 October 2008
- | Title = First Workshop on Software Organisation and MonIToring of Ambient Systems | Field = Software engineering7 KB (893 words) - 22:23, 14 October 2008
- * Software demos - Software demo proposals should be between 4 and 8 pages.8 KB (1,061 words) - 22:31, 14 October 2008