Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies

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Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies
Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies
Bibliographical Metadata
Year: 2009
Authors: Carlo Curino, Giorgio Orsi, Emanuele Panigati, Letizia Tanca
Venue FQAS
Content Metadata
Problem: Transforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web
Approach: No data available now.
Implementation: ROSEX-SPARREW
Evaluation: No data available now.


Relational databases have been designed to store high volumes of data and to provide an efficient query interface. Ontologies are geared towards capturing domain knowledge, annotations, and to offer high-level, machine-processable views of data and metadata. The complementary strengths and weaknesses of these data models motivate the research effort we present in this paper. The goal of this work is to bridge the relational and ontological worlds, in order to leverage the efficiency and scalability of relational technologies and the high-level view of data and metadata proper of ontologies. The system we designed and developed achieves: (i) automatic ontology extraction from relational data sources and (ii) automatic query translation from SPARQL to SQL. Among the others, we focus on two main applications of this novel technology: (i) ontological publishing of relational data, and (ii) automatic relational schema annotation and documentation. The system has been designed and tested against real-life scenarios from Big Science projects, which are used as running examples throughout the paper.


In this paper, we presented a completely automated approach to map relational databases and ontologies. The system proposed is capable of extracting an ontological view of the relational schema, and to enable SPARQL access to the relational data source by means of a query rewriting mechanism. The same approach can be used to efficiently store relational ontologies on a RDBMS; moreover, the mapping we devised is completely based on OWL with no need to resort to a new formalism. The impact of this system has been discussed considering three main applications: (i) publishing of relational data in an ontological format, (ii) documentation of relational schemas by means of ontological annotations, and (iii) efficient relational storage for data-intensive ontologies.

Future work

No data available now.


Positive Aspects: No data available now.

Negative Aspects: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.

Challenges: No data available now.

Proposes Algorithm: No data available now.

Methodology: No data available now.

Requirements: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.


Download-page: No data available now.

Access API: No data available now.

Information Representation: No data available now.

Data Catalogue: {{{Catalogue}}}

Runs on OS: No data available now.

Vendor: No data available now.

Uses Framework: No data available now.

Has Documentation URL: No data available now.

Programming Language: No data available now.

Version: No data available now.

Platform: No data available now.

Toolbox: No data available now.


Research Problem

Subproblem of: No data available now.

RelatedProblem: No data available now.

Motivation: No data available now.


Experiment Setup: No data available now.

Evaluation Method : No data available now.

Hypothesis: No data available now.

Description: No data available now.

Dimensions: No data available now.

Benchmark used: No data available now.

Results: No data available now.

Access APINo data available now. +
Event in seriesFQAS +
Has BenchmarkNo data available now. +
Has ChallengesNo data available now. +
Has DataCatalouge{{{Catalogue}}} +
Has DescriptionNo data available now. +
Has DimensionsNo data available now. +
Has DocumentationURLhttp://No data available now. +
Has Downloadpagehttp://No data available now. +
Has EvaluationNo data available now. +
Has EvaluationMethodNo data available now. +
Has ExperimentSetupNo data available now. +
Has GUINo +
Has HypothesisNo data available now. +
Has ImplementationROSEX-SPARREW +
Has InfoRepresentationNo data available now. +
Has LimitationsNo data available now. +
Has NegativeAspectsNo data available now. +
Has PositiveAspectsNo data available now. +
Has RequirementsNo data available now. +
Has ResultsNo data available now. +
Has SubproblemNo data available now. +
Has VersionNo data available now. +
Has abstractRelational databases have been designed to
Relational databases have been designed to store high volumes of data and to provide an efficient query interface. Ontologies are geared towards capturing domain knowledge, annotations, and to offer high-level, machine-processable views of data and metadata. The complementary strengths and weaknesses of

these data models motivate the research effort we present in this paper. The goal of this work is to bridge the relational and ontological worlds, in order to leverage the efficiency and scalability of relational technologies and the high-level view of data and metadata proper of ontologies. The system we designed and developed

achieves: (i) automatic ontology extraction from relational data sources and (ii) automatic query translation from SPARQL to SQL. Among the others, we focus on two main applications of this novel technology: (i) ontological publishing of relational data, and (ii) automatic relational schema annotation and documentation. The system has been designed and tested against real-life scenarios from Big Science projects, which are used as running examples throughout the paper.
as running examples throughout the paper. +
Has approachNo data available now. +
Has authorsCarlo Curino +, Giorgio Orsi +, Emanuele Panigati + and Letizia Tanca +
Has conclusionIn this paper, we presented a completely a
In this paper, we presented a completely automated approach to map relational databases and ontologies. The system proposed is capable of extracting an ontological view of the relational schema, and to enable SPARQL access to the relational data source by means of a query rewriting mechanism. The same approach can be used to efficiently store relational ontologies on a RDBMS; moreover, the mapping we devised is completely based on OWL with no need to resort to a new formalism. The impact of this system has been discussed considering three main applications: (i) publishing of relational data in an ontological format, (ii) documentation of relational schemas by means of ontological annotations, and (iii) efficient relational storage for data-intensive ontologies.
nal storage for data-intensive ontologies. +
Has future workNo data available now. +
Has motivationNo data available now. +
Has platformNo data available now. +
Has problemTransforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web +
Has relatedProblemNo data available now. +
Has vendorNo data available now. +
Has year2009 +
ImplementedIn ProgLangNo data available now. +
Proposes AlgorithmNo data available now. +
RunsOn OSNo data available now. +
TitleAccessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies +
Uses FrameworkNo data available now. +
Uses MethodologyNo data available now. +
Uses ToolboxNo data available now. +