CGO 2019

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CGO 2019
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
Event in series CGO
Dates 2019/02/16 (iCal) - 2019/02/20
Submitting link:
Location: Washington, DC, USA
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Important dates
Papers: 2018/09/07
Submissions: 2018/09/07
Notification: 2018/10/30
Papers: Submitted 67 / Accepted 21 (31.3 %)
General chairs: Mahmut Taylan Kandemir
PC chairs: Alexandra Jimborean, Tipp Moseley
Workshop chairs: Xipeng Shen
PC members: Aaron Smith, Albert Cohen, Antoniu Pop, Apan Qasem, Ayal Zaks
Keynote speaker: Michael O’Boyle, Srini Devadas, Karin Strauss
Table of Contents

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Co-located with PPoPP and HPCA and CC.